
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangming286
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目前,全省农业生产形势很好,早、中稻正在抽穗灌浆,丰收在望。棉花已大量现蕾,长势普遍好于往年。但据各地汇报,由于去冬长期无雨,气温偏高,越冬害虫基数较大,今年虫情普遍比去年严重,不少地区现在已经发生虫害。今年入夏以来各地降雨普遍偏少,水利工程蓄水不足,现在雨季基本过去,气温逐步升高,有可能发生伏秋千旱。随着气温升高,干旱出现,又将更有利于虫害的繁殖发展。这不仅对早、中稻和棉花丰收是个很大的威胁,对晚稻的增产,更会产生严重的影响。 At present, the situation of agricultural production in the province is very good. Early and medium-sized rice are heading and grouting, and the harvest is on the horizon. Cotton has a lot of budding, growing generally better than in previous years. However, according to reports from all over the world, pest has become more serious than last year due to the long absence of rain and high temperatures over winter, and the large number of overwintering pests. Since the beginning of this year, rainfall has been generally less than normal in various parts of the country. Water conservancy projects have insufficient water storage. Now that the rainy season has basically passed, the temperature gradually rises and flooding may occur. As the temperature rises, the drought appears, which in turn will be more conducive to the propagation and development of insect pests. This not only posed a great threat to the harvest of early rice and medium-sized rice and cotton, but also had a serious impact on the yield increase of late rice.
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[摘要] 农村城市化作为实现城乡经济社会统筹协调发展、全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的重要途径,在这个过程中存在着诸多不稳定因素。如何在此过程中兼顾农民的利益,对于增强群众对公共权威机构的信任、扩大国家政权的合法性基础乃至维持社会的稳定,起着至关重要的作用。  [关键词] 农村城市化; 党群关系; 社会稳定   [中图分类号] F291 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]
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