烟台市福山区是我国大白菜种子重要的制种基地,但是大白菜制种田因为繁殖的品种较多,有些品种霜霉病发生较重,严重影响了农民的经济效益,农民苦于没有好的化学药剂。为此,我们做了此项试验。1 试验材料1.1 供试药剂60%灭克可湿性粉剂(有效成分:氟吗啉、代森
Fushan District, Yantai City, is an important seed production base of Chinese cabbage seeds, but because cabbage breeding more species, some varieties of downy mildew occurred heavier, seriously affecting the economic benefits of farmers, farmers suffer from no good chemistry Pharmacy. For this reason, we did this experiment. 1 Test Materials 1.1 Test agents 60% off grams of WP (active ingredients: flumorph, desen