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在第二次世界大战的初期,由于法西斯国家进行了长期的战争准备,并且采取突然袭击的方式因而获得了暂时的成功。波兰在一个月内灭亡了。1940年4月,德国占领了挪威、丹麦。同年6月,又占领了法国、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。在同英国的不列颠空战中失利后,德国将侵略矛头指向了苏联。1941年6月22日,德国撕毁苏德互不侵犯条约向苏联发动大规模进攻,在1941年底的莫斯科战役,德军遭到苏军的迎头痛击。 In the early days of World War II, temporary success was achieved as a result of protracted preparations for war by fascist countries and the surprise attack. Poland perished in a month. In April 1940, Germany occupied Norway and Denmark. In June the same year, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg were also occupied. After losing the British air war in Britain, Germany directed the invasion at the Soviet Union. June 22, 1941, Germany tore the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty to launch a large-scale offensive to the Soviet Union, at the end of 1941 Moscow campaign, the Germans were the Soviet Union’s head attack.
摘 要:当世界进入到21世纪,伴随着全球一体化的发展,许多新的思潮涌入中国,中国的教育思想也在不断地革新。蒙台梭利教育理论正是在这一时期流入中国,并获得了广泛的关注和长足的发展。旨在研究蒙台梭利幼儿教育理论下的游戏教育研究。  关键词:重要作用;教育理论;游戏教育、  一、在幼儿教育中使用游戏教育的重要作用  游戏,是智慧的结晶,是幼儿教学的不二法门,在幼儿教育中使用游戏教育的方法对于幼儿的智力开
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The influence of mechanic motion on the decay rate of 32P was studied by means of liquid scintillation counting (LSC). The results indicate that, on the Norther
Objective:The aim of the study was to explore the efficacy of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy(3DCRT) combined with TP concurrent chemotherapy in treatm