Massive MIMO system lower bound spectral efficiency analysis with precoding and perfect CSI

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The analytical lower bound of Spectral Efficiency(SE)of downlink transmission of the Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output(Ma-MIMO)system is analyzed.In this paper,we derive some novel and approximate mathematical expressions for the lower bound of the S
Permissionless blockchain,as a kind of distributed ledger,has gained considerable attention because of its openness,transparency,decentralization,and immutability.Currently,permissionless blockchain has shown a good application prospect in many fields,fro
【摘 要】二十一世纪随着科学技术的高速发展,信息技术也不断推陈出,虚拟现实技术VR也日渐成熟。伴随着新时期的教学改革,虚拟现实技术VR也逐渐走入了小学课堂,带给孩子们全新的上课体验。在本文中,笔者联系工作实际,首先对虚拟现实技术VR做了简要的介绍,并对于VR如何走入小学课堂提出了相应的策略。  【关键词】虚拟现实技术VR;小学课堂;策略  VR虚拟现实技术是一项全新的科技,目前在我国大多数的学校都
In the Internet of Things(IoT),security and privacy issues of physical objects are crucial to the related applications.In order to clarify the complicated security and privacy issues,the life cycle of a physical object is divided into three stages of pre-
A huge amount of sensitive personal data is being collected by various online health monitoring applications.Although the data is anonymous,the personal trajectories(e.g.,the chronological access records of small cells)could become the anchor of linkage a
【摘 要】在新课程背景下进行初中语文教学,不容忽视的两个问题就是老师要有激情,学生要有兴趣,教学手段要灵活,尽量采用现代教学媒体技术。  【关键词】新课程;激情;现代媒体  一、教学中老师要有激情  在初中语文教学中,要搞好语文教学,我们不仅要有效地、灵活地传授知识,同时,还要激活课堂,那就需要激情。一堂生动的语文课,除了学生自身的原因外,很大程度上取决于我们老师上课时是否有激情。只有营造了运用情
A Large-Scale Heterogeneous Network(LS-HetNet)integrates different networks into one uniform network system to provide seamless one-world network coverage.In LS-HetNet,various devices use different technologies to access heterogeneous networks and generat
The forking problem plays a key role in the security issue,which is a major concern in the blockchain system.Although many works studied the attack strategy,consensus mechanism,privacy-protecting and security performance analysis,most of them only address
【摘 要】课后作业是为了巩固已学知识而做的作业,对于巩固学生已学知识,培养学生技能技巧具有关键作用。而课后作业的量及难易程度直接关系到学生课后用在学习上的时间。作业量过大或作业难度过大都会增加学生学习负担,甚至给学生家长造成负担。2009年发布的《教育部关于当前加强中小学生管理规范办学行为的指导意见》提出:科学安排作息时间,切实减轻学生过重课业负担,依法保障学生的休息权利。怎样切实做到为学生减负是
【摘 要】对小学语文情境化课堂识字教学方法进行探究。具体是在阐述小学语文情境化课堂识字教学能够调动学生对学科知识学习兴致、降低课程知识难度以及引导学生进行思考等作用之上,结合小学人教材语文教材部分内容,对相关教学方法进行探究。希望在构建情景化课堂教学环境,以及优化课程教学质量方面有所助益。  【关键词】小学语文;识字教学;情景化课堂;教学方法  识字是学习语文知识以及其他学科知识的基础,在强化学生
Massive Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output(MIMO)is a promising technology to meet the demand for the connection of massive devices and high data capacity for mobile networks in the next generation communication system.However,due to the massive connectivity o