
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhuang1022
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体育是学校培养全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的一项重要教育内容,新的教育理念树立了“一切为了学生,为了一切学生,为了学生一切。”的崇高理想,怎么去上好一节体育课,是每一位体育老师都必须去认真研究的,体育课堂如何能够体现它的趣味性,以丰富多彩的形式开展从来都是一个不可忽视的问题,新课程在体育课堂教学中的不断推进,对于体育教学的内涵可以说是越来越丰富,如果一个体育课堂死气沉沉,没有一丝生气的话,学生只能统统被动参加,就算对体育有兴趣,也白白地辜负了他们的一腔热情,体育教学游戏化,趣味化,能有一番别开生面的情景,真正实现“寓教于乐”的教学宗旨,活跃课堂气氛,激活学生积极参与,让趣味充满体育课堂,使教学改革成果就此凸显。 Physical education is an important educational content for schools to cultivate all-round development of socialist builders and successors. The new educational concept has set a lofty ideal of “everything for students, for all students and for students.” A good physical education class is that every physical education teacher must study earnestly. How the sports class can reflect its interestingness is always a problem that can not be ignored in the colorful forms. The new curriculum in the physical education teaching In the continuous promotion of the connotation of physical education can be said to be more and more rich, if a physical education classroom lifeless, without a trace of anguish, students can only passively participate in all, even if interested in sports, but also in vain to live up to their one Enthusiasm, physical education teaching, fun, can have a unique scene, truly “edutainment ” teaching purposes, active classroom atmosphere, active participation of students to make fun full of physical education classroom so that teaching reform The result is highlighted.
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