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宣傳人民公社,是出版界当前一項重要的政治任务。近兩月来,中央的和各地方的出版社在这方面作了很大的努力,除大量印行中央和各省委关于人民公社的文件,編印报刊上有大社論和介紹人民公社經驗的文章以及出版大批歌頌人民公社的民歌、快板、演唱材料外,还出版了許多編著的通俗講話和問答。据不完全統計,仅仅9月份省一級以上出版社就出版了通俗宣傳書籍25种,省以下出版的还沒有計算在內。这些通俗書籍,一般都能按照中央决議的精神,参照若干先进人民公社的經驗,对有关办人民公社的重要問題作了比較通俗的阐述,及时地配合人民公社化运动,宣傳党的政策,供应广大干部和人民群众的迫切需要,因此受到广 To publicize the people’s communes is an important political task now in the publishing world. In the past two months, the central and local press have made great efforts in this regard. In addition to mass printing of the documents on the communes of the people’s communes by the Central Government and provincial governments, editing and publishing of large editorials in the newspapers and the experience of introducing communes and communes Articles, and publishing a large number of people’s communes to sing songs, Allegro, singing materials, but also published a lot of edited popular speech and question and answer. According to incomplete statistics, only 25 kinds of popular propaganda books have been published by the press above the provincial level in September, but the ones published below the provincial level have not been counted. Generally speaking, these popular books generally make reference to the experience of several advanced communes in accordance with the resolution of the Central Government and make more general expositions on the important issues concerning the handling of communes and communes. They timely cooperate with the people’s commune movement and publicize the party’s policies, It has been widely accepted by the urgent needs of the general cadres and the masses of the people
探讨我国现阶段电力行业人才的培养。 Discuss the cultivation of talented people in power industry at the present stage in our country.
目的 探讨不同时机高压氧(HBO)治疗对急性脑梗死患者疗效的影响.方法 60例急性脑梗死患者按开始进行HBO治疗的时间分为两组,即伤后48 h至7 d组(早期组)和伤后8~15 d组(晚期组)各30例,对两组患者在HBO治疗前、治疗30 d后分别进行神经功能缺损程度、简式Fugl-Meyer和改良Barthel指数评定,并进行两组之间的比较.结果 HBO治疗30 d后,早期组患者的神经功能缺损程度