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拿破化曾告诫他的士兵说:不想当元帅的士兵不是好士兵。然而真正能当上元帅的士兵毕竟太少。网络化时代的到来,数字化装备的实现,给了士兵一个圆梦的机会,未来的士兵虽然不像元帅、将军那样可统领千军万马,但较之今天,他们无疑变得更加神气。 “机关”“参谋”带身边 信息技术的不断发展,使得军队数字化装备逐渐普及,最终各种作战平台及每个土兵都将装备以计算机为核心的数字化系统。土兵数字化系统融合夜视技术、新材料技术、微电子技术、激光技术、计算机技术、变色技术、信息技术、生物工程技术、缓冲技术等尖端技术于一体,并与士兵的形体高度合成,形成士兵随身携带的微型作战指挥自动化系统,相当于士兵拥有了“机关”与“参谋”,而士兵就是它的指挥员。安装在士兵头盔上的微型头前 Naphakatsu had warned his soldiers that they did not want to be a good soldier. However, after all, the soldiers who can really be marshal are too few. The advent of the Internet era and the realization of digital equipment gave the soldiers a chance to realize their dreams. Although the future soldiers, unlike Marshal Marshal and General, can command the mighty mighty forces, they will undoubtedly become even more adventurous than they are today. The constant development of information technology with the “staff” and “staff officers” has led to the gradual popularization of digital equipment in the military. In the end, various combat platforms and each and every native soldier will be equipped with a computer-based digital system. The integration of digital technology with night vision technology, new materials technology, microelectronics technology, laser technology, computer technology, color technology, information technology, bioengineering technology, cushioning technology and other cutting-edge technology in one, and highly integrated with the soldiers body form Soldiers carry the mini-battleship command automation system, which is equivalent to the soldiers owning “organs” and “staff officers”, and soldiers are its commanders. Installed in front of the miniature helmet on the soldier's helmet
20 0 1年 2月 9日至 11日 ,建设部标准定额司在哈尔滨市召开全国工程建设标准工作座谈会。全国 2 9个省、市、区建设主管部门共 6 6人参加了会议 ,建设部标准定额司齐骥司长
20世纪 80年代以来 ,金代文学研究逐渐摆脱了过去长期冷寂的局面 ,呈现出较为活跃的势头 ,不少学者涉足这一领域 ,并陆续产生了一系列颇有价值的建树。到目前这一学科分支的
拉米夫定治疗乙型肝炎的问题之一是停药后的反跳。笔者在用拉米夫定治疗乙型肝炎病毒感染的 2年多中 ,曾有 5例患者中途停药 ,其中 1例患者在停药后出现明显的肝功能异常 ,经