
来源 :中华高血压杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyk1987525
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目的探讨广州军队高龄老年高血压的特点。方法 通过对长期定居广州的退役军人进行人群普查,选择65岁以上患者,按调查表实施问卷调查、体格检查(包括测量卧位及立位后0、2min血压和心率)、动态血压监测,然后依不同年龄分组分别对高血压患病率、认知度、体位性低血压(OH)及血压晨峰现象的发生率作比较分析。结果 高龄老年(≥80岁)人群高血压患病率为70.1%,知晓率为99.7%,治疗率为96.3%,控制率(血压<140/90mmHg)为58.1%。高龄老年高血压人群OH和血压晨峰的发生率均高于高龄老年非高血压人群(30.1%比19.1%;22.3%比14.3%,均P=0.001)。结论 广州军队退役军人高龄老年高血压患病率较高,OH和血压晨峰现象常见,应重视其诊断和治疗。 Objective To investigate the characteristics of elderly hypertension in Guangzhou military. Methods According to the population survey of veterans who settled in Guangzhou for a long time, the questionnaire survey, physical examination (including blood pressure and heart rate at 0,2min after lying position and standing position), ambulatory blood pressure monitoring The prevalence of hypertension, cognition, orthostatic hypotension (OH) and peak morning blood pressure were compared among different age groups. Results The prevalence of hypertension was 70.1% in elderly people (≥80 years old), the awareness rate was 99.7%, the treatment rate was 96.3%, and the control rate (blood pressure <140 / 90mmHg) was 58.1%. The incidence of OH and peak morning blood pressure were higher in the elder elderly hypertensive population than in the elderly elder non-hypertensive population (30.1% vs 19.1%; 22.3% vs 14.3%, both P = 0.001). Conclusion The prevalence rate of senile hypertension in the veterans of Guangzhou Military Forces is relatively high. OH and blood pressure morning peak phenomena are common, and their diagnosis and treatment should be emphasized.
10多年来,全球制药商在开发治疗艾滋病药物的征途中始终没能越过一个门槛,即如何遏制 艾滋病病毒(HIV)在人体内繁殖的重要帮凶——整合酶。由于美国默克公司科学家的一项新 发