
来源 :机械工厂设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadongfang2
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建国十年来,我国船舶工业同其他工业部門一样,在党和政府的正确领导下,也有很大的发展,改变了过去以修配为主的落后状态。这十年中,我国船舶总产量相当于旧中国近百年來船舶总产量的一倍半,1959年的产量力1949年的14倍。过去,我国只能制造简单的中小型船舶,而现在能自行設計和制造万吨级的远洋船舶以及其他各种专用船舶;过去只有少数几个以修配为主的船厂,而现在这些厂经过改建和扩建已成为社会主义的大型修造企业。此外,还新建了許多造船基地。解放前,我国根本沒有船厂設計机构;解放后在党和政府的重视和培养下,随着船舶工业的发展才建立了我們这个船厂設計机构。在第一个五年計划期间,在党的领导下,通过設計工作的实际锻炼,我們学会了做一般中小型船厂设 In the ten years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the shipbuilding industry in our country, like other industrial sectors, has seen great development under the correct leadership of the party and the government, which has changed the backwardness of the past, which was mainly composed of repairs. In this decade, China’s total shipbuilding output is equivalent to one and a half times the total ship production of old China in the past 100 years. In 1959, its output capacity was 14 times that of 1949. In the past, China could only create simple small and medium-sized ships, but now it is able to design and manufacture 10,000-ton ocean-going vessels and various other special vessels. In the past, there were only a few shipyards that mainly relied on repairs. Now these plants have been rebuilt. And expansion has become a large-scale construction enterprise of socialism. In addition, many new shipbuilding bases have also been built. Prior to the liberation, China did not have a shipyard design agency; after the liberation, with the attention and training of the party and the government, we established the shipyard design agency with the development of the shipbuilding industry. During the first five-year plan period, under the leadership of the Party, through the practical training of design work, we learned to design general small and medium shipyards.
他“行走非洲”30年,又在浙师大牵头创建了中国高校首家非洲研究院,多年的专注研究成了“非洲通”。今年6月,他應邀参加为即将在厦门举行的金砖国家领导人峰会作准备的中外高层论坛,讨论金砖国家智库合作等问题——    刘鸿武是教育部长江学者特聘教授、我国高校首家非洲研究院——浙江师范大学非洲研究院院长。今年初,他入选“金砖国家智库合作中方理事会”理事,并出席“金砖国家合作”研讨会做主要发言。6月,刘鸿武