
来源 :中国柑桔 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy2103357
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柑桔潜叶蛾是我国各柑桔产区的重要害虫,在福州地区主要为害秋梢。受害后除影响柑桔生长和产量外,尚能引发疮痂病和溃疡病加重为害。笔者近几年在福州地区柑桔害虫综合防治工作中,着重调查柑桔秋梢不同抽放期与潜叶蛾为害的关系,结合控梢、施肥和灌水等综合措施,促进秋梢适时整齐抽发,减少喷药次数,减轻潜叶蛾为害,取得明显的效果。现将未结果幼龄树和幼龄结果树控制柑桔潜叶蛾为害的综合措施叙述如下。 Citrus leafminer moth is an important pest in all citrus producing areas in our country, mainly affecting autumn shoots in Fuzhou area. In addition to the impact of citrus growth after suffering and the yield, it still can cause scab disease and ulcer disease worse. In recent years, in the comprehensive prevention and control of citrus pests in Fuzhou, the author focused on investigating the relationship between the different autumn drafts of citrus and the damage of the leaf moth, and combined with the comprehensive measures such as control tips, fertilization and irrigation, Hair, reduce the number of spraying, to reduce the damage of leaf moths, and achieved significant results. The comprehensive measures to control the damage of citrus leafminer now by the unripe young tree and the young fruit tree are described below.
中纹大蚊Tipula sp,是近年新发现的一种水稻地下害虫,为害逐年加重,为害面积逐年扩大,被害田一般减产84.1%,重者达90%以上,个别田块颗粒无收,已成为当前生产中急待解决的问题
研究总结畜禽“腐植酸钠”添加剂不同施用方法,对大棚黄瓜生长发育及产量效果不同。 Research summary Livestock “humic acid sodium” additives different application
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近年来,我县部分桔园遭到吹绵蚧为害,轻者造成桔树落叶,重者枯枝。部分桔农因买不到农药,只好用人工抹除方法防治,但效果很差。 1988年12月上旬,我们在县人武部桔园,选择吹
1.蓝调音阶:如C蓝调大音阶:12 b3 4 b5 6 b7 1,如C蜜克索里底亚蓝调音阶:12#2 3 4 5 6 b7,如C多利亚蓝调音阶:1 2 b3 4 b5还原5 6 b7。2.利底亚属七音阶:1 2 3#4 5 6 b7。3.