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武进县孟城镇工业经过多年的发展,已有企业160多家。1993年工业产值6.56亿元,比去年增长55.8%;销售4.85亿元,比去年增长51.5%;创利税4500万元,比去年增长36.36%。乡镇工业已发展成为农村经济的重要支柱。下面结合该镇实际情况谈谈怎样实现乡镇工业的高效益问题。 抓住机遇,调整结构,提高效益 抓住机遇,合理调整乡镇工业产品结构,重点加快开发区域性产品,不断发展本地名优特新产品,充分利用国家目前产业结构政策和武进县劳动技术密集型优势,开发高新技术产品。要因地制宜,发挥当地龙头产品优势,走一条开发一品,带动一片,走出一条加速发展乡镇工业振兴地方经济的路子。1993年初该镇160多家镇村企业主要生产电子产品、燃气用具及邮电器材产品。全镇通过省级以上鉴定的优秀产品有35个(其中省优15个,部优18个,国家银质奖2个),完成全镇工业产值70%以上。这些主要是最近几年来不失 After many years of development, the Mengcheng Township industry in Wujin County has more than 160 enterprises. In 1993, the industrial output value was 656 million yuan, an increase of 55.8% over the previous year; sales were 485 million yuan, an increase of 51.5% over the previous year; and profits and taxes were 45 million yuan, an increase of 36.36% over the previous year. Township industry has developed into an important pillar of the rural economy. The following discussion of the actual situation of the town to discuss how to achieve the high efficiency of the township industry. Seize the opportunity, adjust the structure, improve the efficiency, seize the opportunity, reasonably adjust the product structure of township and township industries, focus on accelerating the development of regional products, continuously develop the local famous and special new products, make full use of the country’s current industrial structure policy and the labor-intensive technology advantages of Wujin County. , develop high-tech products. It is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions, give full play to the advantages of local leading products, take a step in the development of one product, and promote a way to accelerate the development of township industry to revitalize the local economy. In early 1993, more than 160 township and village enterprises in the town mainly produced electronic products, gas appliances and postal and telecommunications equipment. The town has passed 35 provincial-level and above-identified outstanding products (of which 15 are provincial superior, 18 are excellent, and 2 are national silver awards). The industrial output value of the whole town is over 70%. These are mainly in recent years
北京天津上海辽宁江苏浙江福建山东广东广酉工业销售产值(亿元)工业产品销售率(%)京津沪及沿海十省市1994年上半年工业经济发展统计资料@沈其芷 Beijing Tianjin Shanghai