激光与光电子学进展1981年第18卷第6期 目录

来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andyofja
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We demonstrate a femtosecond mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) using a nickel oxide (NiO) as a saturable absorber (SA). NiO nanoparticles are hosted into polyethylene oxide film and attached to fiber ferrule in the laser cavity. The NiO-SA shows
A tunable erbium-doped fiber (EDF) laser with a cascaded structure consisting of in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and traditional MZI is proposed. The transmission spectrum of the in-line MZI is modulated by the traditional MZI, which determines
A new screen-spot imaging method based on optical measurement is proposed, which is applicable to the close-range measurement of aircraft's three-dimensional (3D) attitude parameters. Laser tracker is used to finish the global calibrations of the high-sp
An electrically controlled optical chopper based on switchable holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal (H-PDLC) gratings is demonstrated through a programmable, adjustable, and periodic external driving source. Compared with traditional mechanical op
设计并制作了一种10Gb/s光收发模块, 在宽温度范围内能够保持稳定的光功率和消光比。基于背电流和光功率的换算比例, 计算其偏置电流修正值和调制电流修正值, 实现了光模块运行过程中激光器的工作参数可自动连续调节。通过高速电路信号仿真设计, 解决了信号完整性、串扰和电磁兼容等问题。光模块收发通道可以独立工作, 传输速率可达10Gb/s, 实现了光模块高速率、高稳定性以及小体积设计, 为甚短距离高速数据传输和处理提供了高可靠性的数据链接。
The scattering process of an unpolarized Bessel beam through spherical scatterers is investigated. We derive the analytical solutions of scattered fields of x- and y-polarized Bessel beams using a sphere, after which the dimensionless scattering function