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7月10日,就河南省全顺铜业有限公司(简称全顺铜业)资金链断裂,公司崩盘一事,新乡市有关方面,专门成立了88人的工作组,正对李全顺和全顺铜业融资部主要负责人李漫莉进行调查取证。全顺铜业位于新乡市卫滨区工业园内,公司目前已经处于停止运转状态。据了解,李全顺的老厂河南省全顺线材有限公司(简称全顺线材),还能勉强维持生产。全顺铜业创办于1984年,30年来,李全顺曾遭遇无数挫折,但都被他一一化解。一直以来,让他颇为骄傲的是,自己将 On July 10, an 88-member working group was set up on the relevant fund of Henan Shunquan Copper Co., Ltd. (referred to as Quanshun Copper) and the collapse of the company. The company is now working on the financing of Li Quanshun and Transit Copper Department chief Li Manli investigation and evidence collection. Transit Copper is located in Xinxiang City, Wei-Bin Industrial Park, the company has now stopped working. It is understood that Li Quanshun the old factory in Henan Province Transit Coil Co., Ltd. (referred to as Transit wire), but also barely maintain production. Transit Copper was founded in 1984, 30 years ago, Li Quanshun suffered numerous setbacks, but he was one by one to resolve. He has always been proud of himself
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80年代以来,档案编研工作      同整个档案工作一样发展 很快,地方综合档案馆相继成立了编研机构,县馆无编研机构的也设有专职编研人员,加之档案馆(室)达标升级活动的开展,使档案
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一、下列各句中加点的词,是句子的什么成分?请仔细思考,然后将正确选项填入表中。 1、她天天坐在窗口做针线。选项有:①是谓语;②是补语;③是状语;④是主语。 2、第比利斯的
Invited by Taiwan“Shen Chun-chy Culture and Education Fund”,“the Imposing Murals of Yongle Palace of Shanxi”was shown at the Yat-sen Gallery of the National D
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