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随着社会主义市场经济的建立和发展,各行业对档案的需求量越来越大,应用的范围越来越广泛,对案卷质量的要求也就越来越高,所以提高案卷质量,是档案部门的一项长远建设。我们在档案管理工作的实践中体会到,档案工作人员平时注意学习些文秘工作知识,懂得文件的体式、运转和处理办法,就有了立卷归档的主动权,使文件的鉴定、整理和立卷更趋于规范化,能从根本上提高案卷质量。案卷质量如何,直接关系到能否真实反映本单位活动的历史面貌,关系到馆藏的丰富,关系到提供利用效果。如果文件材料制成不规范,收集不齐全,档案整理不科学,文件分类不清,利用时查不到,就会造成重复劳动,浪费人力、物力和财力。要解决这些问题,首先应从三方面做起; With the establishment and development of the socialist market economy, the demand for archives in various industries is getting larger and larger, the scope of application is more and more extensive, and the requirements on the quality of the archives are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, improving the quality of archives is the most important part of the archives A long-term development of the department. We experience in the file management experience, the file staff usually pay attention to the knowledge of some secretarial work, understand the style, operation and approach to the file, there is the initiative to file the archive, the document identification, sorting and legislation Volume tends to be more standardized, which can fundamentally improve the quality of the file. The quality of the case file is directly related to whether it can truly reflect the historical appearance of the unit’s activities, relates to the richness of the collection, and has an impact on the utilization effect. If the documents made of non-standard materials, incomplete collection, file sorting unscientific, file classification is unclear, can not be found when used, it will result in duplication of effort, waste of manpower, material and financial resources. To solve these problems, we should start from three aspects:
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