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王某是“全玻璃窗墻”實用新型專利~1的專利權人,其授權萬變窗墻公司實施該專利,並以該公司名義對各種侵權行爲進行維權。萬變窗墻公司在雲貴川渝等地發起了多場專利訴訟。例如,僅在2014年9月,昆明中院就受理了1500件這樣的訴訟~2。這些訴訟有一個共同特點:絕大多數被告並非玻璃窗墻的同業製造商或銷售商,而是服務業的經營者,如網吧、美容院、藥房、餐廳、賓館、百貨商場等。這是正當維權,還是濫用專利權?業界觀點不一,即使在《最高人民法院關於審理侵犯 Wang is a patentee of the “All-glass Window Wall” utility model patent ~ 1, which authorizes the ever-changing window wall company to implement the patent and defends all kinds of infringement in the name of the company. Varying window wall company in Yunnan and Guizhou and other places launched a number of patent litigation. For example, in September 2014 alone, Kunming Intermediate People’s Court accepted 1,500 such proceedings2. The lawsuits have one thing in common: the overwhelming majority of defendants are not traders or marketers of glass walls, but service providers such as Internet cafes, beauty salons, pharmacies, restaurants, hotels, department stores and the like. Is this a legitimate defense or a misuse of patent rights? The opinions of the industry vary from one case to another. Even though the Supreme People’s Court
请看这个句子: Smog blanketed Mexico City.烟雾笼罩着墨西哥城。blanket“用毯子盖,布满”,是从名词blanket(毯子)转化而来。这个动词用在这个句子中非常形象,简直是妙不可
这不是故事,是真实的历史。  一年,为了治理黄河,康熙帝派了一个大臣担当河道总督,也就是治河总指挥,专司黄河治理。这人名叫靳辅。  靳辅出京,即日上任的信息,迅速传遍全国,引起了一个落拓书生的注意。这人名叫陈潢。  陈潢这人,不喜八股文,不爱读死书,爱读野史和农田水利方面的书籍,闲暇时,更爱一个人一匹马,沿黄河漫游,去河套,到宁夏,边走边看。  陈潢认为,治理黄河不难,难的是治理者没经验。自己有经
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教师与学生合作参与、平等对话、互教互学,使整个课堂的学习散发着互动的气息,涌动着生命的灵性。 Teachers and students participate in cooperation, dialogue and mutua
The squeeze-casting method is utilized to synthesize ZL109/Al2O3·SiO2 particle reinforced composites with 5%,10%,20%,30%(volume fraction) Al2O3·SiO2 particles
梦是夜的精华,是夜的花朵。白天丢掉的故事,在梦里可以捡回;白天不能够做到的,在梦里可以如你所愿……一切不可思议的故事都在美丽的梦中发生。 Dream is the essence of th