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目的了解甘肃省酒泉市肃州区暗娼人群梅毒感染状况及其影响因素。方法根据国家级HIV综合监测点监测方案,2010—2015年对肃州区性服务场所进行分层抽样,对抽中的性服务场所内的暗娼问卷调查并采血检测,采用Spss 19.0统计软件整理并分析数据。结果 2010—2015年肃州区暗娼人群梅毒阳性检出率分别为3.80%,4.30%,0.50%,1.80%,1.00%和0.50%,暗娼具有整体年龄较低、未婚者居多、文化程度低、省内户籍多和流动性强等特点;30岁以上年龄组梅毒阳性率6.50%,外省户籍梅毒阳性率7.45%,离异或丧偶者梅毒阳性率27.78%,小学及以下文化程度者梅毒阳性率9.76%,低档场所暗娼梅毒阳性率6.43%,30岁以上年龄组、外省户籍、婚姻状况为离异或丧偶、低文化程度、在当地工作时间不足1个月、低档场所、商业性行为不使用安全套、未接受过干预和检测等因素是暗娼梅毒感染的危险因素。结论肃州区低档场所、外省户籍、低文化程度、大年龄组及离异或丧偶的暗娼梅毒阳性率较高,应根据梅毒感染的危险因素,有针对性地对开展宣传教育和行为干预。 Objective To understand the status of syphilis infection among the female sex workers in Suzhou district of Jiuquan city, Gansu province and its influencing factors. Methods According to the national monitoring program of HIV comprehensive monitoring points, from 2010 to 2015, stratified sampling was conducted on the service sites in Suzhou, and the questionnaires were collected from the sex workers in the sexual service venues. Blood samples were collected using Spss 19.0 statistical software analyze data. Results The positive rates of syphilis among the female sex workers in Suzhou district during the period of 2010-2015 were 3.80%, 4.30%, 0.50%, 1.80%, 1.00% and 0.50% respectively. Female sex workers had lower overall age, The number of household registration in the province is high, and the mobility is strong. The positive rate of syphilis was 6.50% in the age group of over 30 years old, 7.45% of syphilis in other provinces, the positive rate of syphilis was 27.78% in divorced or widowed, the positive rate of syphilis in primary school and below was 9.76 %, Low places Sex syphilis positive rate of female sex workers 6.43%, age group of over 30 years old, foreign household, marital status as divorced or widowed, low education level, less than 1 month in local working hours, low places, commercial sex do not use condoms, Unencumbered factors such as intervention and testing are risk factors for syphilis infection among female sex workers. Conclusion There is a high positive rate of syphilis in low-grade places in Suzhou, other provinces with lower education level, older age groups and female sex workers who divorced or widowed. Publicity, education and behavior intervention should be targeted according to the risk factors of syphilis infection.
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