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The more we use these medications, the less effective they are against infection. But you can protect yourself and your family fromthis potentially deadly problem.我们越多地运用这些药物治疗手段,它们对付病菌感染就越是无效。但是在这个具有潜在致命危险的问题上,你可以保护自己和家人.[参考译文]在1999年12月圣诞节和元旦之间的那一周内,科罗拉多州路易斯维尔市35岁的朱莉·尼尔森感到精神紧张,全身无力;她想自己是染上了流感。正当她感到好一点的时候,“深夜我醒来了,感到耳朵剧烈地疼痛。我想我的耳膜快要破了,”她说。第二天在医生那里,她的耳膜的确破了。疼痛难忍的尼尔森带着一种250毫克抗生素的药方离开了医生。到周末的时 The more we use these medications, the less effective they are against infection. But you can protect yourself and your family from this potentially deadly problem. The more we use these medications, the less effective they are against infections. But on this potentially fatal problem, you can protect yourself and your family. In the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day in December 1999, 35-year-old Julie Nelson from Louisville, Colorado. Feeling nervous and weak, she thought she was infected with the flu. Just when she felt better, “I woke up late at night and felt a terrible pain in my ears. I think my eardrum is about to break,” she said. The next day at the doctor, her eardrum did break. The painful Nelson left the doctor with a prescription for 250 milligrams of antibiotics. On the weekend
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上期(1994年第7期)CET一4模拟试题参考答案CD内了4八乙qdB CD6. 3.0.口口njA︸A DD5 292 33Partl 21 28 35Part班 4l 48 55 62 69Reading ComPrehension.C 22.D 23.C 24.B.D 29