Reverse flotation separation on diaspore and kaolinite in the presence of cationic polyacrylamide po

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liugang168
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Based on the analyses of crystal structures and surface properties of diaspore and kaolinite, an effective diaspore depressant, CPAM(cationic polyacrylamide) polymers was discovered by single minerals tests, separation experiments of artificial mixed minerals, zetapotential and adsorption measurement. The reverse flotation separation on diaspore and kaolinite can be carried out using collector dodecylamine acetate and depressant CPAM under pH 5.5 8.5. On the surfaces of diaspore, there are a large amount of active aluminum atoms. They can bond with -C(O)NH 2 groups in CPAM and make the -CH 2N +(CH 3) 3 groups in CPAM orient toward the outer surfaces of diaspore, which prevents a majority of the dodecylamine cations from adsorbing on diaspore, enhances hydrophilicity of diaspore, and depresses the floatability of diaspore. But for kaolinite, CPAM polymers have little effect on its floatability. Based on the analyzes of crystal structures and surface properties of diaspore and kaolinite, an effective diaspore depressant, CPAM (cationic polyacrylamide) polymers was discovered by single minerals tests, separation experiments of artificial mixed minerals, zetapotential and adsorption measurement. The reverse flotation separation on Diaspore and kaolinite can be run using a collector of dodecylamine acetate and depressant CPAM at pH 5.5 8.5. On the surfaces of diaspore, there are a large amount of active aluminum atoms. They can bond with -C (O) NH 2 groups in CPAM and make the -CH 2N + (CH 3) 3 groups in CPAM orient toward the outer surfaces of diaspore, which prevents a majority of the dodecylamine cations from adsorbing on diaspore, enhances hydrophilicity of diaspore, and depresses the floatability of diaspore. But for kaolinite , CPAM polymers have little effect on its floatability.
淮山药枸杞炖猪脑  猪脑质感嫩如豆腐,可清蒸、烩、汆汤等;山药是药食两用的的滋补佳蔬;枸杞可明目。  原料:猪脑一副,铁棍山药300 克,桂圆10 ~12 个,枸杞30 粒,温水500 ~600 毫升,料酒30 毫升,姜、精盐、胡椒粉、鲜粉各适量。  做法:  ?将猪脑漂在清水内,用牙签轻轻挑去血筋,捞出放入开水中,小火慢煮2 ~3 分钟,倒入10 毫升料酒,取出,沥干水分,备用;  ?山药洗净,
第15届河南家禽交易会,预计将有来自全国27个省市以及美国、法国、比利时等国家和地区的700余家企业,正式代表5 000多人参加会议,参观人数超过4万人,室内展位近600个,室外展
摘 要:目前,随着经济的发展,城镇化速度的加快,生态环境都遭到不同程度的破坏,生态恢复重建大多要利用树种进行植树造林,但树种的选择尤为重要,关系到生态环境是否能够得到改善,还是会遭到进一步破坏的现实问题。一些林业部门在树种选择上过分注重树种的观赏性而忽视树种对环境的适应能力,违背了客观规律。乡土树种在生态恢复重建中具有非常重要的作用和其他树种所不具备的优势。本文以甘孜州生态恢复重建的树种选择为例,