患者女,62岁。因上腹痛,食欲不振、消瘦、伴上腹包块1个月于1977年9月7日入院。查体:营养较差,皮肤苍白,浅表淋巴结无肿大。上腹部隆起,可触及20×10cm包块,质较硬,轻度压痛。肝脾未触及。辅助检查:白细胞6.6×10~9/L,血红蛋白80g/L,碱性磷酸酶8u。钡餐透视提示胰腺囊肿。胃镜检查胃外肿物。临床诊断:胰腺囊肿? 剖腹探查见肿瘤位于左上腹,胃的前方,大小20×10×10cm,表面凸凹不平,暗紫色与灰白色相间,质脆易出血,与周围脏器无粘连,提起肿
Female patient, 62 years old. Due to epigastric pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and abdominal mass were admitted to hospital on September 7, 1977. Physical examination: poor nutrition, pale skin, no enlargement of superficial lymph nodes. The upper abdomen bulges, can touch 20×10cm mass, the quality is hard, mild tenderness. Liver and spleen are not touched. Adjuvant examination: white blood cells 6.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, hemoglobin 80g / L, alkaline phosphatase 8u. Barium meal tip shows pancreatic cysts. Gastroscopic examination of extravaginal masses. Clinical diagnosis: pancreatic cyst? The exploratory caesarean section shows that the tumor is located in the left upper abdomen, in front of the stomach, the size of 20 × 10 × 10cm, uneven surface, dark purple and gray and white, brittle and easy bleeding, no adhesion with the surrounding organs, the mention of swelling