
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SYNJONES123
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患者男,43岁。于1971年出现以低血糖为主的一系列症状,经多家医院诊治曾诊为脑肿瘤,血管神经性头痛,血吸虫性脑病。1976年去上海进一步检查才明确诊断为胰岛细胞瘤。行胰腺部分切除,脾切除,周围淋巴结清扫术。病理报告:胰岛细胞瘤(恶性),周围淋巴结转移。术后用5—FU化疗一个疗程,出院继续化疗3个月,同时注肿节风针每日2支,120支为一个疗程。术后低血糖症状缓解,恢复上班,间断口服5-Fu。术后11年间,多次B超检查:胰腺未发现占位。1987年重新出现低血糖症状,发现肝脏28×30mm块影。当时认为血吸虫病所致。2年后,B超追踪复查:肝脏分别发现28×30mm,27×20mm,10×11mm三个块影。1990年因低血糖症状加重,考虑肝转移去上海复查,同年6月14日行剖腹探查术,证实转移性肝癌难以手术切除,在监护室行肝动脉插管,用美国进口ADM 50mg。7月 6日出院后,低血糖症状明显缓解,继续5-Fu口服,在化疗期间症状缓解,停药期间症状 The patient was 43 years old. In 1971, a series of symptoms, mainly hypoglycemia, were diagnosed and treated by a number of hospitals as brain tumors, neurovascular headaches, and schistosomal encephalopathy. In 1976, she went to Shanghai for further examination to confirm the diagnosis of islet cell tumor. Partial pancreatic resection, splenectomy, peripheral lymph node dissection. Pathology report: Islet cell tumor (malignant), peripheral lymph node metastasis. After 5-FU chemotherapy for a course of treatment, the patient was discharged for 3 months. At the same time, two injections of swollen wind needles were administered daily, 120 for one course of treatment. Hypoglycemic symptoms relieved after surgery, resumed work, intermittent oral 5-Fu. During the 11-year period after surgery, multiple B-ultrasound examinations revealed that no placeholders were found in the pancreas. Hypoglycemia recurred in 1987 and a 28 x 30 mm liver shadow was found. At that time, it was thought to be caused by schistosomiasis. Two years later, follow-up review of B ultrasound: Liver were found in 28×30mm, 27×20mm, and 10×11mm three blocks. In 1990, due to the worsening of hypoglycemia, consider liver metastases to Shanghai for review, and on June 14 of the same year, laparotomy was performed. It was confirmed that metastatic liver cancer was difficult to remove by surgery. Hepatic artery catheterization was performed in the intensive care unit and ADM 50 mg was imported from the United States. After July 6th hospitalization, hypoglycemia was relieved obviously and 5-Fu was continued. Symptoms were relieved during chemotherapy and the symptoms were discontinued.
陪妻子逛超市,漫步于琳琅满目的商品间,偶有包装精致的炒米糖赫然入目,心中便涌起感念的潮水,童年时代炸炒米的情形一下子撞入眼前。  冬天是乡村的一段空白,农事暂歇,乡民们拱着宽大的棉袄袖找太阳地晒暖和。腊月时节,乡下炸炒米的老汉便忙活开来了。出太阳的日子,常见他们挑着一副担子,一头是风箱炉灶,另一头是黑黢黢的炒米机和长袋子,晃悠悠地来到村子的空场上。“炸炒米喽一炸炒米喽一”,炸炒米的搁下担子,支好炭
1 临床资料患者,男,50岁。以间断性无痛肉眼血尿4月余于1991年7月24日入院。查体:未见异常。ESR30mm/h;尿常规红细胞(十);3次血尿沉渣1次查到可疑癌细胞;B超示膀胱前壁可见2
幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染与 B 型慢性胃炎和球部溃疡的关系已经肯定。本文旨在分析探讨 HP 与胃癌之间的关系。材料与方法94例胃癌患者均为1991年6月~1992年5月间住院病人,包括男