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政府财政投入和保险市场投入在投入体系中占主导,资本市场投入和社会捐赠慈善投入是投入体系的重要补充从发达国家防灾减灾资金投入方式和政策看,政府财政投入和保险市场投入,在投入体系中占主导,资本市场投入和社会捐赠慈善投入,是投入体系的重要补充。防灾减灾财政投入的3种方式第一种方式是将防灾减灾资金纳入国家财政预算,采取中央政府与地方政府按一定比例共同投入的方式。如美国每年拨付62亿-72亿美元的资金用于联邦紧急救援管理局、美国陆军工程兵总部以及农业部农场服务局的防灾减灾工 Investment in government finance and investment in insurance market are dominant in the investment system. Investment in capital markets and charity investment in social donations are an important complement to the investment system. From the input methods and policies of funds for disaster prevention and reduction in developed countries, government investment in finance and investment in insurance markets are The dominant input system, capital market investment and social donations charity investment, is an important complement to the system. The first way is to include disaster prevention and mitigation funds in the state budget and adopt a method whereby the central government and local governments jointly invest according to a certain percentage. For example, the United States disbursed 6.2 billion to 7.2 billion U.S. dollars a year for disaster relief and relief workers at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Army Corps headquarters and the Farm Services Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture
急性有机磷农药(OP)中毒患者的病程中出现的中间综合征(IMS),国内尚无大量病例报道。1993年3月~1997年10月间,我们收治了35例,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 35例均为
1 病历摘要患者,女性,50岁。因患扁桃体炎来门诊就诊。医嘱给予洁霉素1.8g加入5%GS500ml溶液中静滴。0.5h后患者出现口唇紫绀,呼吸困难,体检发现心率140次/分,BP8/5kPa,全身
2008393 Effects of angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 receptor blocker on triglyceride metabolism in the liver: experiment with Zucker fatty rats. RAN Jianmin(冉建民), et al