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目的探讨社区糖尿病患者的健康教育方法,着重改善不健康的生活方式,提高糖尿病患者的生活质量。方法针对本社区内的糖尿病患者及高危人群,采取以健康教育大课(发放健康教育处方)和团体辅导小课(游戏、角色扮演、个别咨询)相结合的方式,用1~3年的时间,在接受干预措施前后进行糖尿病相关知识知晓率、生活方式的对比。结果通过1~3年的综合干预,患者治疗的依从性和自我管理能力明显提高,糖尿病相关知识的知晓率提高,进行体育锻炼人数的增多,饮食控制加强,血糖监测的频率提高,糖尿病患者血糖控制率达到63.9%,糖化血红蛋白控制率达到55.6%。结论通过在社区开展健康教育大课和团体辅导小课相结合的方式,可以使社区糖尿病患者及其高危人群对糖尿病的认知、态度和行为发生变化,使糖尿病得到科学合理的治疗。 Objective To explore the methods of health education for patients with diabetes in community and focus on improving unhealthy lifestyles and improving the quality of life of patients with diabetes. Methods Aiming at patients with diabetes and high-risk groups in this community, taking the combination of health education course (giving health education prescription) and group counseling course (game, role-play and individual counseling), taking 1 to 3 years , Before and after the intervention to carry out awareness of diabetes-related knowledge, lifestyle comparison. Results Through one to three years ’comprehensive intervention, patients’ treatment compliance and self-management ability improved obviously. The awareness rate of diabetes-related knowledge increased, the number of physical exercise increased, diet control strengthened, the frequency of blood sugar monitoring increased, Control rate reached 63.9%, HbA1c control rate reached 55.6%. Conclusion Through the combination of major health education classes and group counseling classes in the community, diabetes patients and their high-risk groups can change their cognition, attitude and behavior of diabetes so that their diabetes can be scientifically and reasonably treated.
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