Who Is Jia Ling?贾玲是谁?

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  Hi, Mom actress and filmmaker who made Chinese box office history during the Lunar New Year holiday has a sad family story.電影《你好,李焕英》的主演兼导演贾玲在今年春节期间创造了中国电影票房的历史,但这背后的故事令人心酸。
  Hi, Mom is the sleeper hit1 of this Lunar New Year holiday in Chinese cinemas. As of March 15, it has taken 5.26 billion yuan (US$808 million) at the domestic box office.
   While Detective Chinatown 3 was the top draw2 during the first few days of the holiday, Hi, Mom’s good reviews (it was rated 8.1 out of 10 on Douban, China’s equivalent of IMDB3) and word of mouth helped it overtake the franchise film on February 16 to become the box office champion.
   As a result, its star, director and co-writer Jia Ling now owns the highest-grossing Chinese film directed by a woman, surpassing4 the 1.3 billion yuan earned in 2018 by René Liu’s directorial debut5 Us and Them.
   Jia, 39, graduated from Beijing’s Central Academy of Drama 20 years ago and started her show business career as a crosstalk comedian. Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is a traditional, rapid-fire comedic act starring two people who strive to outwit6 each other verbally.
   In the past, she has talked about how she had to live rough and work odd jobs to continue in the male-dominated crosstalk industry. In 2008, she saw a surge of interest in her work thanks to Lunpengdou, a crosstalk stand-up comedy starring her and Bai Kainan, which ran for more than 80 sold-out performances in Beijing.
   Jia went on to star in numerous comedies on television and on the big screen, which helped cement7 her status as one of the top woman comedians in China. In 2016, she set up Big Bowl Entertainment, and the production company’s first work was the short play Hi Mom, from which her movie was adapted.
   Her career, though, belies8 a personal life that’s been filled with grief since her mother died in 2001. Hi, Mom, her directorial debut, is based on the real-life stories of Jia and her mother, and was made to express her longing and regret at failing to see her mother before she died.
   In a recent interview with The Beijing News, Jia said her bubbly9 persona10 hides a melancholic11 streak12. “I am a crybaby,” she said. “I have quite big emotional swings. I love puppies. I like to share short videos about pets. Every time I watch videos about stray dogs, I burst out crying easily.”
   Asked if she wants to move beyond comedic roles, Jia said she is not afraid of being typecast13. “For the moment, I don’t have the desire to star in non-comedy works. For an actor, [a] performance should come from their heart. Besides being filled with emotions, I don’t have other big talents. I can only display my raw emotions in front of the audience.”    She bares14 her emotions in Hi, Mom, a time-travel comedy in which Jia (playing herself) is transported back to 1981, before an accident that kills her mother (played by Zhang Xiaofei).
   On a talk show in 2016, Jia said her mum, a chemical factory worker, died after a fall while working on a farm. “She was clearing straw on the fields with Dad. Maybe the straw was heaped too high—she fell [onto the ground] when Dad was driving. She hit her head, and died [instantly]. I rushed back home, but she was already in the crematorium15. I couldn’t believe she had left for good16.”
   In the movie, Jia becomes friends with her mum, Li Huanying (her mother’s real name), a young woman working in a factory. When Li is hurt in a car crash, Jia stays by her side until she dies. The film has been praised by critics for its heartfelt emotions and authentic17 portrayal18 of Jia’s hometown of Xiangyang, in Hubei province, in the 1980s.
   Audiences, who have only recently started returning to cinemas in large numbers since the pandemic, have been drawn to the story of family loss, and the identity of women as mothers.
   On microblogging platform, Weibo, one hashtag19 relating to the movie had been viewed more than 1.67bn times, and reposted more than 580,000 times.
   “The movie is telling a story of cherishing family and the awakening of contemporary women’s consciousness,” wrote one audience member on Douban. “Instead of advocating for childbearing and marriage, the movie shows us that before any woman becomes a mother, her first identity is herself.”
   Director Jia told Chinese media she had been tormented after the death of her mother, but hoped audience would enjoy the spirit and optimism on display in the film, rather than focus on the sadness.
   “Our mum’s love for us is like air—it is there since we were born, so we often ignore it,” Jia told state TV. “But when we lose it, we experience a sense of suffocation and helplessness.”20
   During her interview with The Beijing News, Jia said she worked on the script for more than three years. “After I finished, I opened a very expensive bottle of wine with the crew which I originally reserved for my wedding. I want to show the audience the happy days I spent with my mum. Those are the most precious days in my life.
  “If the audience want to call their mothers after seeing the film, I am satisfied.”            ■
  《你好,李煥英》绝对算是这个春节档中国电影院线的一匹黑马,截至3月15日,国内票房已达到52.6亿元(相当于8.08亿美元)。   同期上映的《唐人街探案3》最初几日居于票房榜首,但是《你好,李焕英》收获的好评(在相当于中国IMDB的豆瓣网上,它的评分为8.1)和口碑最终使之于2月16日超过《唐探3》,一举成为票房冠军。
  “如果观众看完电影能想着给自己妈妈打个电话,我就满足了。”                                  □
  1 sleeper hit意想不到的佳作,黑马。  2 draw有吸引力的人(或事物)。  3 = Internet Movie Database互联网电影数据库。  4 surpass超过。  5 debut处女作。
  6 outwit比……更机灵。  7 cement巩固。  8 belie给人以假象。
  9 bubbly快活热情的。  10 persona表面形象。  11 melancholic忧郁的。  12 streak(常指不好的)特点,个性特征。  13 typecast担任特定类型角色。  14 bare暴露。  15 crematorium火葬场。
  16 for good永远。  17 authentic可信的。  18 portrayal呈现,刻画。  19 hashtag在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号。
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