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复混肥料是指含有氮磷钾三要素中的两个或两个以上的化学肥料,主要优点是含有多种速效养分,有利于平衡施肥;物理性状好,施肥方便,节省劳力。目前肥料市场上以经物理方法混合而成的复混肥料为主,其养分组成比例易于调整,总养分含量从20%到50%不等,可以根据各种农作物的需要,随时调整肥料配方,增产效果好,且可以加进中或微量元素,解决缺少微量元素等问题。1复混肥料的增产效果 复混肥料的养分齐全,比单质化肥增产效果好。试验示范结果表明,每亩施用复混肥料(总养分含量45%)25kg Compound fertilizer is a compound fertilizer containing two or more of the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium chemical fertilizers, the main advantage is that contains a variety of available nutrients, is conducive to balanced fertilization; physical properties, convenient fertilization, labor-saving. At present, the fertilizers market is mainly composed of compound fertilizers which are physically mixed together. The proportion of nutrients in the fertilizer market is easy to adjust, and the total nutrient content ranges from 20% to 50%. The fertilizer formula can be adjusted at any time according to the needs of various crops, Yield effect is good, and can be added to the or trace elements, to solve the lack of trace elements and other issues. 1 compound fertilizer production effect Compound fertilizer complete nutrients than single element fertilizer yield effect. Experimental demonstration results show that the application of compound fertilizer per acre (total nutrient content of 45%) 25kg
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