
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kms2007
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目的从护理防范的成功案例和有隐患的案例中总结经验教训,摸索出评估高危和防范高危患者发生危险行为的措施。方法选择2014-2016年天津市公安医院呼吸科、心内科收治的60岁以上患者进行回顾性分析。结果在临床中观察到患者容易出现意外危险隐患的几个时间段是,探视时间、交接班时间、夜间、晨起洗漱期间。结论护理人员应加强护士巡视及基础护理,对任性,不合作患者要多关心,多沟通,做好心理护理,以取得配合。同时调动所有护理人员发现临床护理工作中存在的各种危险隐患,并制订科学周密的安全防范措施加以实施,在实施中不断完善是确保所有患者住院安全。护理人员工作安全是刻不容缓的,也是规避护理风险,更好的为患者和社会服务的保障。 OBJECTIVE To summarize the experiences and lessons from the successful nursing cases and the hidden cases, and to explore the measures to evaluate the high-risk and prevent dangerous behaviors in high-risk patients. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on patients over 60 years old admitted to Department of Respiratory and Cardiology, Tianjin Public Security Hospital from 2014 to 2016. Results in the clinical observation of patients prone to accidental hazards hidden danger of several time periods, visit time, handing over time, night, morning wash wash period. Conclusion Nursing staff should strengthen nurse inspections and basic nursing care, self-care, non-cooperation patients should be more concerned about, more communication, good psychological care, in order to obtain cooperation. At the same time, mobilize all nursing staff to find all kinds of hidden dangers in clinical nursing work and formulate scientific and careful safety precautions to be implemented. Continuous improvement in implementation ensures that all patients are hospitalized safely. Nursing staff work safety is urgent, but also to avoid the risk of care, better protection for patients and social services.
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Mr. Robert Lynd once remarked of Jane Austen’s characters:“They are people in whose lives a slight fall of snow is an event.”Even at the risk of appearing to