
来源 :实用肿瘤学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jenniechen007
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恶性肿瘤是严重威胁人类生命的疾病之一,据国内外报道在死因构成中约占1/5—1/4,仅亚于循环系统疾病而居第二位。本溪钢铁公司是一大型钢铁联合企业,职工总人数达十四万余人,有一套比较完整的卫生防治系统,早在1971年就开展了以胃癌为主的恶性肿瘤“三早”防治,为了解1971年以来恶性肿瘤死亡趋势,进一步开展癌瘤防治工作,现就本钢职工1971—1975年及1985—1988年两个年代的恶性肿瘤死亡趋势进行动态研究。材料与方法一、资料来源:1971—1975年全死因死亡资料取自本钢职工、家属肿瘤死亡回顾调查。1985—1988年癌瘤资料取自本溪市死因死亡数据库,并由公安部门及生命统计工作 Malignant tumors are one of the serious diseases that threaten human life. According to reports from home and abroad, they account for about 1/5 to 1/4 of the cause of death, and only rank second in circulatory diseases. Benxi Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. is a large-scale iron and steel conglomerate with a total staff of more than 140,000 people. It has a relatively complete health prevention and control system. As early as in 1971, it started the prevention and control of malignant tumors with “3 mornings”, which is mainly gastric cancer. Understanding the death trend of malignant tumors since 1971, and further the prevention and treatment of cancerous tumors, we now conduct dynamic research on the death trends of malignant tumors in the two years of 1971-1975 and 1985-1988. Materials and Methods 1. Source: The data of death from all deaths from 1971 to 1975 were taken from the review of cancer deaths of employees and their families. The cancer data from 1985 to 1988 were taken from the death cause database of Benxi City, and the public security department and the vital statistics work.
192 0年初 ,茅盾在明确提出为人生的文学观后 ,也开始倡导新浪漫主义。其过程大致是这样的 :192 0年 1月 ,茅盾在《小说新潮栏宣言》中就指出 ,西洋小说已经进化到新浪漫主义
适逢巴尔扎克诞辰 2 0 0周年之际 ,北京外国语大学张放教授以《巴尔扎克及其人间戏剧在中国》(见《法国研究》 ,2 0 0 0 ,第 1期 ,武汉大学 )为题著文论述巴尔扎克作品在中国
本文报道一例少见的巨大椎动脉动脉瘤,小脑后下动脉(PICA)从它的腰部发出。作者应用同侧PICA 与对侧 PICK 吻合术,孤立动脉瘤,重建了 PICA循环。患者,男性,38岁,右利手。主
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胃癌在日本发病率非常高,即使在70岁以上的老年人中也是如此。从1976年1月至1988年12月,日本Red Cross医疗中心为1076例胃癌病人作了手术,其中276例在70岁以上(老年组),794
本文报道1960~1990年收治的15例十二指肠壁胃泌素瘤(DWG)和卓艾氏综合征。确诊时病人的平均年龄为51岁,60%为男性,13例术前经血清胃泌素测定确诊。 10例术前做食管胃十二指肠