
来源 :节日研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong553
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环砂村地处徽州文化核心区域,传统节日习俗内涵丰富,尤以农历“七月半”为甚。当地在农历七月十五日,由各宗族组织祭祖活动,包含一系列的祭祀、饮食和言语等禁忌。作为目连故里,在“七月半”期间有“打”目连的传统习俗,并伴有诸多相关传说。在1946年以前,“七月半”晚上由“鱼孤会”专门组织放河灯,以超度亡魂、庆祝丰收,其场面隆重,规模宏大。随着时代变迁,诸多习俗已不复存在,但流传下来的传说和活动承载着村民千百年来的历史记忆,反映乡土社会朴素的忠孝、劝人为善观念,维系着社会变迁中的族群和区域认同。 Central sand village is located in the core area of ​​Huizhou culture, traditional holiday customs rich in content, especially the Lunar New Year “July and a half ” is even more. Local July 15 in the lunar calendar, the ancestral activities organized by various clans, including a series of sacrifices, diet and speech taboo. As the hometown of the Militia, there is a tradition of “fighting” in the period of “July and a half”, accompanied by many related legends. Before 1946, the “Half Moon Night” was organized by the “Fish Orphans” specialization to put the river lantern in the evening to celebrate the bumper harvest with exceeding death-spirits. The scene was magnificent and grand in scale. With the changes of the times, many customs no longer exist, but the circulating legends and activities carry the villagers’ historical memories for thousands of years, reflecting the simple loyalty and filial piety of native society, persuading people to be good ideas, and maintaining the ethnic groups and social groups in social changes Regional Identity.
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近日,被湖南省湘西地区土家族同胞誉为“扶贫司令”的吉首军分区司令员彭楚政的名字被刻上了石碑,他的事迹被编成民谣在湘西大地广为传颂。何以如此? 湘西土家族苗族自治州
在四川平昌县华严乡,只要提起代理武装部长牟建国,人们都会情不自禁地流露出钦佩之情。 牟建国1985年11月退伍回乡被招聘为治安员,1990年,被县人武部任命为华严乡人武部代理
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1.1996年度军区民兵预备役部队刊授教育经验交流暨表彰大会于__月__日至__日召开。此次大会表彰先进军分区和人武部共有__个。 2.《高原强者》记述的是___。 3.中共中央关于