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  摘 要:著名语言学家乔姆斯基,被誉为当代认知科学之父,为语言学发展做出了杰出贡献。然而,一些消极评价也纷至沓来。本文从其对语言学的贡献出发来探讨其个性特征,旨在展示这一伟大人物人性之辉煌与其贡献一样让世人叹服。
  Abstract:Noam Chomsky, a fantastic figure in modern society, has made great contributions to the development of linguistics. However, some negative comments also come along with those positive ones. This paper discusses Chomsky in terms of both his contributions and his characters, which aims to display a clear picture to more Chomsky fans.
  Key words:Chomsky;linguistic contributions;characters
  On Chomsky
  1. Introduction
  Noam Chomsky,as one of the greatest linguists, makes a lot contributions to the research of human language and linguistics. Beginning with his Syntactic Structures, a distillation of his Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory (1955, 75), he challenges structural linguistics and introduces transformational grammar. This approach takes utterances (sequences of words) to have a syntax characterized by a formal grammar, especially a context-free grammar extended with transformational rules. However, his greatness lies not only in his great contributions, but also in his distinguished characteristics.
  2. Contributions and characters of Chomsky
  2.1 Courage to challenge other authorities
  Chomsky had been strictly trained by post-structuralism, and he also learned a lot about traditional linguistics from his teacher Zellig Harris. During his college time, he even wrote a thesis to support Bloomfield School; however, as time went on, he gradually began to question what he has accepted from Structuralism. He tried to put forward a different concept-to separate linguistic theory from the language we actually use. The facts that people use language are so familiar that we always tend to take them for granted as not requiring explanation. But, Chomsky is different; he persists in his exploring on the study of language. In the 1950s, Chomsky began developing his theory of generative grammar, which has undergone numerous revisions and later has had a profound influence on linguistics. His approach to the study of language emphasizes "an innate set of linguistic principles shared by all humans" known as "universal grammar". He put these ideas in his Syntactic Structures, which then laid the groundwork for the concept of transformational grammar. That is why so many people admire him, and what we should learn from him.
  2.2 Courage to deny self-achievements
  Secondly, Chomsky is a man who is never satisfied with his own achievements and he is constantly exploring and questioning not only others' but also his own theory. After his Syntactic Structures was published, he didn't think it is an ending to his exploration, and gradually he found several serious problems which should be re-discussed and solved. According to his theory, many sentences seem to be probably transformed without much limitation and may even produce absolutely different sentences. Then, American linguists J.J.Katz and P.M.Postal pointed out that the original meaning of a sentence should not be altered after transformation and that a sentence can be analyzed from its deep structure as well as from its surface structure. Some of the transformed sentences are even not acceptable in meaning. So Chomsky realized that his theory needs improvement and he accepted others' suggestions to take the component of semantics into consideration in his transforming rules; we can see that in his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. On the other hand, his improvement also includes the point of generative phonology,Relational Notions and Categorial Notions etc. Besides, Chomsky published Lectures on Government and Binding in 1981, which put forward the important theory of syntactic research--Government and Binding Theory, GB Theory. So far, it can be perceived as the book that has the most significant influence on the development of syntactic theory. This theory, although it is still in the process of revision and improvement, opens a new door in front of us and it directs our attention to another new field of language-that is "Empty Category".   2.3 Influences on other fields
  What is also worth mentioning is about his methods of doing research and his contributions to other fields. Different from other linguists, among all the researches of Chomsky, we can easily see his distinguished characteristic--that is--he is bold in making hypotheses followed by the meticulous search for evidence. Of course, most of his hypotheses are proposed to explore those fundamental features of human languages, including his hypothesis on the structure of language which has been verified by the grammar of some languages, and his Innateness Hypothesis etc. In fact, it is because of the significance of these hypotheses to us that many scholars worship Chomsky than accept his views. Chomsky not only has a great influence on linguistics but also on many other fields, including philosophy, psychology, cognitive science etc. He is the first person who adopted the empirical method in the study of human languages, which made linguistics fall into the category of science. Furthermore, it is also his revolution on linguistics that resulted in the revolution on psychology and cognitive science. In addition, he is a political activist. He even made some comments on the relation between China and America,and he himself, as an American, openly criticized the pretended democracy of USA government when interviewed by People Weekly. From that interview, we can also sense the fact that his views on American government root in his rich theories of linguistics.
  3. Conclusion
  In general, Chomsky is a great figure in our times. His theory, though criticized and being criticized in the past and now, still plays a significant role in the linguistic research. He should be remembered not only as one of the fathers of modern linguistics, but also as a great philosopher, a cognitive scientist, and a political activist.
摘 要:国际商事仲裁与国际民事诉讼相比内容更为复杂,在法律选择上当事人也有更为广阔的空间。然而这也产生了当事人意思自由与强制法规定相冲突的矛盾,并集中体现在我国《合同法》第126条第2款的规定中。本文在分析了国际商事仲裁复杂性的基础上,探讨有关国内法律在仲裁中的适用问题,意在使得国际商事仲裁实现其真正价值。  关键词:合同法 国际商事仲裁 诉讼实体法  一、国际商事仲裁法律适用的复杂性  
摘 要:近年来兴起的"山寨"现象越来越引起社会各方的重视,同时也带来了诸多法律问题。本文首先从"山寨"现象的本源角度进行了分析,对"山寨"现象给出了一个初步的定义;然后按照山寨实体物品、山寨文艺作品和山寨文体明星的分类对各种"山寨"现象进行了知识产权法的解读;最后提出了对"山寨"现象进行法律规制的建议,以期能对正确认识和处理"山寨"现象有所帮助。  关键词:山寨;知识产权;侵权;法律规制  从2
摘 要:自《刑法修正案(八)》实施以来,醉酒驾驶行为已正式作为刑事案件立案查处,由于此类案件数量多、刑罚轻、证据单一,目前司法实践中普遍遵循"快侦快诉快审"的模式办理,对打击醉酒驾驶行为,维护社会公共安全确实起到了重要的作用。但随着公民法律意识的提高及对自身权利保障的要求,此类案件在办理过程中已经出现一些棘手的问题,比如犯罪嫌疑人对血液酒精含量有异议申请重新鉴定而产生的一系列问题,相关规定目前仍
摘 要:刑事诉讼法修正案增设了未成年犯罪记录封存制度,而我国现有的犯罪记录查询系统尚未具备未成年人犯罪记录封存的机制。本文由此出发,以分析我国犯罪记录查询系统的现状入题,阐述了全国犯罪记录查询系统在广度需覆盖全国、在深度需涵盖未成年人,论证了组建涵盖未成年人的全国犯罪记录查询系统的必要性,从主体、范围、方式、责任、权限以及补缺措施等方面提出了具体对策,完成了组建涵盖未成年人的全国犯罪记录查询系统
摘 要:预告登记的法律效力是预告登记制度的核心问题。预告登记效力的实现能够有效保护不动产物权变动的请求权,维护各方当事人的合法权益,推动不动产交易的安全和稳定。本文将着重考察并分析《物权法》第20条之规定,对预告登记制度未来发展模式提出可操作的建议,以冀对该制度的完善有所裨益。  关键词:不动产、预告登记、效力、重构  引 言  预告登记是指当事人约定买卖期房或者转让其他不动产物权时,为了限
摘 要:民族历来是国际政治和国际关系中重要的影响因素,随着冷战的结束和全球化进程的加速,民族因素成了很多地区性和国际性冲突的酵母,民族问题已经成为当代国际关系中的备受关注的热点问题,同时也是长期得不到有效解决的难点问题。对国际关系中的民族问题进行梳理和总结,会发现民族问题表面上纷繁复杂,但事实上却有规律可循,民族问题的形成和发展是有着深刻的历史根源,当代民族问题不是新问题,而是旧问题的释放。随着
摘 要:刘勰在《文心雕龙》中论述了艺术想象的理论,其中论及培养和发挥艺术想象的前提基础。作家写作要"养气",达到一种"虚静"的状态,以便充分地发挥艺术想象力。而平日经验学问的积累,对于培养艺术想象具有重要作用。  关键词:艺术想象;养气;文心雕龙  《文心雕龙》的《神思》是一篇集中论述艺术想象的文章,刘勰在这里指出了思想情感对于发挥艺术想象的关键性作用,提出了"陶钧文思,贵在虚静"的观点,在《养
摘 要:在领导中国革命建设实践过程中我党形成了科学丰富的毛泽东马克思主义大众思想,随着党的十七大提出推进马克思主义大众化研究毛泽东马克思主义大众化思想在理论和实践上都有助于推进我国马克思主义三化的发展和加强普及中国特色社会主义理论体系。  关键词:毛泽东马克思主义大众化;内涵;语言艺术;途径;价值  党的十七大报告中将马克思主义大众化作为新时期我党理论工作所面临的新任务后,中国共产党十七届四中全
摘 要:本文通过对我毕业设计创作过程及创作手法探索的思考及介绍,借以对公益海报社会责任与创意表现进行阐述,分析运用不同的创作表现手法,对创作主题能起到不同的作用和视觉效果。更好的传达出现代海报的信息,以便能够更好地符合当代社会的需要和人们的视觉审美情趣。公益海报作为海报家族的重要成员,较之一般商业性海报,承载了更多的文化内里和更加重要的社会责任与使命。通过对公益海报的概念定义、主题、特性、功能意