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80后女孩曹臻一是位诗人,曾经以一首《大雨》而一夜蹿为网络红人。谁又能想到,一双写诗的纤纤玉手后来却剁起猪肉做起了火腿。2006年,曹臻一离开北京声色犬马的诗人圈,带着做生吃火腿的梦想,只身来到贵州棒木村。建厂房。曹臻一在当地找来泥水匠、木工、工人……棒木村多烂泥路,运砖的车经常陷在泥里难以自拔,曹臻一被整得像个土拨鼠。6000平方米的厂房建成后,只有她一人守着,山村常 After 80 girl Cao Zhen is a poet, once a “heavy rain” and overnight 蹿 network Reds. Who can think of, a pair of slender hand writing poetry but later cut pork to start a ham. In 2006, Cao Zhen left Beijing sensual pleasures of the poet circle, with the dream of raw ham, came to Guizhou Bangmu Village. Build factories. Cao Zhen find a local masons, carpentry, workers ... ... stick wood village muddy road, brick transport vehicles often stuck in the mud, Cao Zhen a whole like a groundhog. After the completion of 6,000 square meters of factory building, only one of her guard, village often
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