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抗日战争后,国民政府重新命名组建的新编第1军、新编第6军(简称新1军、新6军,下同)、第5军、整编第74师(整编前为第74军)、整编第11师(整编前为第18军)是国民党的五大王牌军,也是抗日战场上国民党军队的5支有战斗力的部队。这5支部队在同日寇作战中屡创强敌,成为国民党部队抗击日军的主力。抗战硝烟中诞生的第5军1936年3月,蒋介石接受徐庭瑶考察欧美军队现代化装备后所提出的建议,在南京成立陆军交辎学校。1937年,在交辎学校基础上又扩编建成第一个陆军装甲兵团,杜聿明任团长。全面抗战爆发后,杜聿明率装甲兵团的两个连参加淞沪会战。1938年,装甲兵团撤至湖南湘潭整训,后扩编为第200师。同年冬该师又扩编为新编第11军。1939年1月,番号又改为第5军,杜聿明任军长,下 After the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Nationalist government renamed the formation of the first new army, new 6th Army (referred to as the new 1 army, new 6 army, the same below), the 5th Army, reorganization of the 74th Division (reorganization of the 74th Army ), And the 11th Division (18th Army before the Reorganization) was the top five ace of the Kuomintang and the 5 combatant units of the Kuomintang army in the anti-Japanese war. These five units repeatedly hit a strong enemy in the operations against the Japanese invaders and became the main force of the Kuomintang troops in fighting the Japanese army. In the war of resistance smoke in the birth of the 5th Army In March 1936, Chiang Kai-shek accepted Xu Tingyao examination of the European and American armed forces after the modernization of the equipment made by the proposal to set up an army in Nanjing school. In 1937, based on the exchange of schools and expanded to build the first Army armored Corps, Du Yuming appointed head. After the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance, Du Yuming and the two armored Corps even participated in the battle of Songhu. In 1938, the armored corps retreated to Xiangtan, Hunan Province for training, and later expanded into the 200th Division. The same year the winter division and expanded for the new eleventh army. January 1939, the emblem was changed to the 5th Army, Du Yuming commander, under
助手小C将一份文件传入刑侦队长的电脑。队长打开文件,刚刚扫了一眼便大吃一惊:“这是一种新型武器!你从哪儿弄来的?”  “我在网上截获的……”  小C是业余黑客,闲暇时在网上搜索犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪证据。本月第一周的周三晚上十点,他从一个电子邮箱中截获一组数据和一张设计图,本来不以为然,随手复制保存下来。第二周周三晚上十点,他又截获一份邮件,仍然是一组数据和一张设计图,发件人和收件人没变。  职业的敏感
黄埔军校是第一次国共合作的重要成果,在相当程度上体现了国共不同性质的两党在合作过程中意识形态上的矛盾和分歧。随着孙中山逝世,国共关系陷 The Whampoa Military Acade
情报是现代战争的耳目,没有情报就 谈不上作战。为此,日本高度重视其情报 搜集能力建设。经过多年的经营,日本已 建立起拥有卫星、预警飞机、侦察机、雷 达、监听站等多种手
除了大口径半自动狙击步枪,海豹特种部队还配备了MK12 SPR MOD 1型5.56mm狙击步枪。图为手持该枪的海豹队员正在隐蔽观察 In addition to the large-caliber semi-automatic