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[目的]了解济宁市市中区幼儿园手足口病的流行特征,为采取科学有效的预防控制措施提供依据。[方法]对2009年1~10月市中区幼儿园手足口病资料进行分析。[结果]2009年1~10月累计报告辖区幼儿园手足口病患儿372例(其中重症病例占5.91%),发病率为2.22%,无死亡病例。疫情波及61所幼儿园,占托幼机构总数的69.32%。有28所幼儿园出现聚集性病例,合计发病127例,其中重症病例占11.81%。全部病例中,4~7月发病的占74.19%。发病率,男孩为2.82%,女孩为1.59%(P<0.01);2~6岁分别为2.05%、2.81%、2.06%、1.97%、2.01%(P<0.01),城区、乡村托幼儿童分别为2.88%、1.01%(P<0.01),有接触史、接触史不详的分别为5.36%、3.12%(P<0.01)。检测34份病人的粪便标本,肠道病毒EV71核酸阳性率为61.76%,柯萨奇病毒A组16型核酸阳性率为11.76%;检测13份血清标本,肠道病毒EV71核酸阳性率为53.85%,柯萨奇病毒A组16型核酸阳性率为23.08%。[结论]2009年济宁市市中区手足口病幼儿园聚集发病较多,存在肠道病毒EV71和柯萨奇病毒A组16型2种病原。 [Objective] To understand the epidemic characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease in kindergartens in Jining City Central District and provide the basis for scientific and effective prevention and control measures. [Method] The data of hand, foot and mouth disease of kindergartens in Central District from January to October in 2009 were analyzed. [Results] From January to October in 2009, 372 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease in kindergartens were reported in the district (5.91% of them were severe cases), with a morbidity of 2.22% and no deaths. The epidemic affected 61 kindergartens, accounting for 69.32% of the total number of nurseries. There are 28 kindergartens clustered cases, a total of 127 cases, of which 11.81% of severe cases. In all cases, 74.19% of cases were diagnosed from April to July. The prevalence rate was 2.82% in boys and 1.59% in girls (P <0.01). The average age was 2.05%, 2.81%, 2.06%, 1.97% and 2.01% in 2 to 6 years Respectively, 2.88% and 1.01% (P <0.01). The history of exposure and history of exposure were 5.36% and 3.12% respectively (P <0.01). The positive rate of enterovirus EV71 nucleic acid was 61.76%, the positive rate of Coxsackie virus A group 16 nucleic acid was 11.76% in 34 fecal samples. The positive rate of enterovirus EV71 nucleic acid in 13 serum samples was 53.85% , Coxsackievirus A group of 16 nucleic acid positive rate of 23.08%. [Conclusion] The incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease kindergarten in the middle of Jining City in 2009 was more and there were two kinds of pathogens: enterovirus EV71 and coxsackievirus A group 16 type.
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1 从医史略 先伯欧阳履钦,字煌,号逸休,生于1884年,殁于1951年,享年67岁。 吾族在明初洪武落业之际,从江西庐陵郡徙居湖南湘江上游衡阳县(今衡南县)。传至先祖德硋公先在湘