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夏天,小区对面照例挂了“西瓜销售点”的牌子,拖拉机们结伴而至,停下,找准陈列位置,然舌各自掏出电子秤、板凳和喝茶的大水杯。熟透的西瓜自裂了,就掰成两半,亮出红瓤黑籽,便是最好的广告。习惯买挨着小区门口那家的——他家其实算二道贩子,瓜比起别人家的,一斤贵好几毛钱,但很有品质保证,每次我买回家的,哪怕再小,杀开来,也是百分百不打折扣的甜而沙。贩瓜的中年男人 In summer, as usual, the district hung “watermelon point of sale” brand, tractors go hand in hand, stop, pinpoint the display location, but each tongue out their own electronic scales, benches and tea cups. Ripe watermelon split since it broke into two halves, bright red black rice, it is the best advertising. Used to buy next to the cell door at home - his family actually count two traffickers, melon than others, a penny a few cents more expensive, but very good quality assurance, every time I buy a home, even smaller, kill Open, but also 100% without discount sweet and sand. Middle-aged men who sell melon
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仔细回想起来,我跟史大虾同学还是蛮熟的,我们之间许多来往细节的记忆都超过同时期班里的任何一个其他的男生或者女生。我们一起去过雍和宫,逛过后海的胡同,平安夜一起坐在KFC里喝过汽水,还一起逛街帮他挑选过衣服,他总在第一时间发现我签名档的变化……  听上去还挺亲密温馨的,不过更多的细节是:去雍和宫是为了求签,他老人家迷信得很;逛后海是两人寒假都没买到早点回家的火车票,在空荡荡的学校闲得没事干,当然,和
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Objective To evaluate the efficacy,safety and toler-ance of continuous erythropoietin receptor activator(CE-RA) once every 2 weeks intravenous injection on anem
通过教学实践证明,在不增加学习负担的条件下,高中生可以掌握逻辑量词知识. Through teaching practice, it is proved that high school students can master the knowledg