
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangsong1st
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监狱人民警察,肩负着惩罚和改造罪犯,维护社会稳定的职责,任务繁重、神圣使命、责任重大。而提高改造罪犯质量,推动监狱整体协调发展,充分发挥监狱职能作用,就必须有一支政治坚定、作风优良、纪律严明、业务精湛、素质过硬的监狱民警队伍作保证。基层民警是监狱民警队伍的主力军,是监狱工作的最直接实践者,只有其素质提高了,监狱事业蓬勃发展才有坚实的基础。纵向比较而言,监狱基层民警队伍的整体素质已经有了质的提高,但事物总是一分为二的,以发展的眼光看问题,与时代发展要求相比,与肩负的监狱 Prisons People’s Police, shouldering the responsibility of punishing and reforming criminals and maintaining social stability, are burdensome, have sacred missions and are heavily responsible. To improve the quality of criminal reform, to promote the overall coordinated development of prisons, and to give full play to prison functions, we must ensure that there is a contingent of civilian police jails who are politically determined, well-behaved, disciplined, highly skilled and competent. The grassroots police are the main force in the prison police force and the most direct practitioner in the prison work. Only when their quality is improved and the jail cause has flourished can they have a solid foundation. In terms of vertical comparison, the overall quality of the civilian police at the grassroots level in the prisons has been improved in quality, but things are always divided into two parts. Looking at the problems from a development perspective, compared with the requirements of the times,
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读过法学院的人,多被问过这么一道哈佛“公正课”式的问题:一颗核弹即将在市中心引爆,一名嫌犯知道核弹的藏匿地点,但抵死不招,政府能否以刑讯手段,逼迫他招认?正方反方,都能搬出许多道理。有人说,刑讯是小恶,恐怖事件是大恶,政府可以用小恶制止大恶。也有人说,千里之堤毁于蚁穴,今天你以反恐为由施暴,明天就可以公共安全为借口,任意滥用刑讯,所以必须不惜一切代价,捍卫程序正义。  后一种说法,始终有点儿一厢情
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