Dynamical resonance in F+H_2 chemical reaction and rotational excitation effect

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhappy
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Reaction resonance is a frontier topic in chemical dynamics research,and it is also essential to the understanding of mechanisms of elementary chemical reactions.This short article describes an im- portant development in the frontier of research.Experimental evidence of reaction resonance has been detected in a full quantum state resolved reactive scattering study of the F+H2 reaction.Highly accurate full quantum scattering theoretical modeling shows that the reaction resonance is caused by two Feshbach resonance states.Further studies show that quantum interference is present between the two resonance states for the forward scattering product.This study is a significant step forward in our understanding of chemical reaction resonance in the benchmark F+H2 system.Further experimental studies on the effect of H2 rotational excitation on dynamical resonance have been carried out.Dy- namical resonance in the F+H2(j=1)reaction has also been observed. Reaction resonance is a frontier topic in chemical dynamics research, and it is also essential to the understanding of mechanisms of elementary chemical reactions. This short article describes an im- portant development in the frontier of research. Experimental conditions of reaction has been detected in a full quantum state resolved reactive scattering study of the F + H2 reaction. Highly accurate full quantum scattering theoretical modeling shows that the reaction resonance is caused by two Feshbach resonance states. Future studies show that quantum interference is present between the two resonance states for the forward study of the reaction of chemical reaction resonance in the benchmark F + H2 system. Future experimental studies on the effect of H2 rotational excitation on dynamical resonance have been carried out. Dy- namical resonance in the F + H2 (j = 1) reaction has also been observed.
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