China Issues Policies to Promote Development of Its Bio Industry

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grandbill
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On June 2nd,2009,China’s State Councilformally announced a policy package to ac-celerate the development of its bio industry.Objectives of the policies include (1) Guidetechnology,talents,capital and other re-sources to focus on the bio industry,pro-mote innovation and industrialization of bio-technologies,and accelerate the scaling up,agglomeration and international develop-ment of China’s bio-industry; (2) Enhancebio-enterprises’ independent innovationcapability,and encourage them to develop On June 2nd, 2009, China’s State Council formally announced a policy package to ac-celerate the development of its bio industry. Objectives of the policies include (1) Guidetechnology, talents, capital and other re-sources to focus on the bio industry, pro -mote innovation and industrialization of bio-technologies, and accelerate the scaling up, agglomeration and international develop-ment of China’s bio-industry; (2) Enhancebio-enterprises’ independent innovationcapability, and encourage them to develop
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