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八、预算各环节存在的问题(一)预算编制1.预算编制的时间过短,影响了编制质量,给人大监督带来难度。我国的预算编制实际上只有两、三个月的时间,为保证在规定的时间内上报总预算,各级政府不得不走过场,粗略编制本级预算,甚至层层代编,造成预算草案编制不科学、甚至脱离实际。这给人大监督带来困难。2.预算编制的计划性较差。在目前的预算编制过程中,缺乏一个由多方人士参加的协调论证环节,使预算这一与经济、社会发展密切相关的重大政府活动显得过于简单,也难以得到社会的广泛认同,影响了预算的约束力。在数据的统计和收集上,作为预测政府收支的基本依据之一的国民经济计划和统计资料的编制相对较粗、发布较晚,难以为政府预算编制细化、时间提前作准备。此外,由于目前也难以制定科学的定员定额标准,各部门支出 VIII. Problems in Various Linkages in the Budget (I) Budget Preparation 1. Budget preparation is too short, which affects the quality of compilation and brings great difficulty to NPC supervision. In fact, the budget of our country is only two or three months. To ensure that the total budget will be reported within the stipulated time, all levels of government have to go through the stage, make a rough budget for their own level and even make compilation at different levels, so as to prevent the preparation of the draft budget Science, even out of touch with reality. This gives great oversight difficulties. 2. The planning of budgeting is poor. In the current budget preparation process, there is a lack of a coordination and demonstration session involving many people, making the budget a major government activity closely related to economic and social development too simplistic and difficult to get broad-based approval from the community and affecting the budgetary Binding force. As for the statistics and collection of data, the preparation of the national economic plan and statistical data as one of the basic basis for forecasting the government revenue and expenditure is relatively unreasonable and it is relatively late to release it. It is difficult to prepare detailed plans for the government and advance time management. In addition, as it is also difficult to formulate a scientific quota for personnel quotas, expenditure by various departments is difficult
利用电生理技术测定了棉铃虫对 15种常见农药的触角电位反应 (EAG) ,发现棉铃虫对不同农药品种的EAG反应差异很大 ,并且雌、雄蛾对某些农药品种的EAG反应截然不同 ,存在较大
笔者应用一种刺激心房心钠素(atrialnatriureticfactor,作者单位:630037重庆,第三军医大学附属新桥医院肾病中心ANF)释放模型,对ANF改善缺血性肾功能损害及其对前列环素(prostacyclin,PGI2)血栓素A2(th... I use atrial natriuretic factor (at
目的研究胡蔓藤(Gelsemium elegans Benth.)中的化学成分。方法采用硅胶柱色谱和ODS柱色谱进行分离,Sephadex LH-20及制备液相进行纯化,根据理化性质和光谱分析进行结构鉴定
研究了 11种杀菌剂对稻纹枯病菌菌核形成、萌发和菌丝生长的影响 ,测定了杀菌剂对稻纹枯病菌的毒力作用 ,结果表明 :三唑酮、980 2SC在质量浓度 10 μg/ml以上对菌核萌发有明