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就业服务是劳动力市场的载体,是建立市场就业导向机制的重要依托,总结国际国内成功经验,解决就业问题的关键是一靠政策,二靠服务。目前国家制定出台了一系列促进下岗失业人员再就业的政策措施,形成了具有中国特色积极就业政策体系。在就业服务方面,明确了建立和完善公共就业服务制度的方向,并将强化就业服务作为各级党委政府政绩考核指标之一。下一步主要是发挥劳动力市场作用,强化就业服务,在促进就业上取得实效。为此,劳动保障部培训就业司针对当前部分地区劳动力市场中就业服务体系不完善、运行不畅、管理服务制度不健全、业务工作不规范、就业服务质量和效率不高的情况,组织有关人员研究起草了《关于职业介绍服务中心功能定位方案》(见本刊2003年10期)、《关于激发劳动力市场活力的方案》、《关于职业介绍服务中心内部管理制度建设方案》、《关于职业介绍服务中心服务窗口业务规范方案》和《关于职业介绍服务中心布局设计的方案》。本期刊登《关于激发劳动力市场活力的方案》和《关于职业介绍服务中心内部管理制度建设方案》两篇,供各地参改。 Employment service is the carrier of the labor market, an important support for the establishment of a market-oriented employment-oriented mechanism. Summarizing the successful international and domestic experiences, the key to solving the employment problem is to rely on policies and rely on services. At present, the state has enacted and promulgated a series of policies and measures to promote the reemployment of laid-off workers and formed a system of active employment policies with Chinese characteristics. In terms of employment services, the direction of establishing and improving the public employment service system has been clearly defined, and employment enhancement services have been taken as one of the performance evaluation indicators for party committees and governments at all levels. The next step is to give full play to the role of the labor market, strengthen employment services and make effective achievements in promoting employment. To this end, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security training and employment department for the current part of the labor market in the employment service system is imperfect, poor operation, management and service system is not perfect, business work is not standardized, employment service quality and efficiency is not high, the organization of personnel Study drafted the “Occupational introduction service center functional positioning program” (see the issue of 2003 issue 10), “about the vitality of the labor market to stimulate the program”, “about employment service center internal management system construction plan”, “about employment agency Service center service window business norms program ”and“ on the employment service center layout design program. ” This issue contains two articles, “On the program to stimulate the vitality of the labor market” and “On the construction of the internal management system of employment service centers” for the reform.
1 国有企业面临的困境随着市场经济的发展,国有企业的改革在不断深化。但是,国有企业的深化改革,会暴露出一些矛盾和问题,由于传统体制的长期影响,历史形成的许多原因及国有
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