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为满足动力吸振器系统固有频率性能要求,应用Isight集成软件平台进行有阻尼橡胶动力吸振器结构尺寸优化设计。以圆筒形橡胶元件为例,通过数值仿真研究橡胶动力吸振器质量块质量不变时,橡胶元件结构尺寸变化对振动系统固有频率的影响,结果表明动力吸振器系统固有频率随圆筒形橡胶元件结构尺寸的变化而改变。以圆筒形橡胶元件外圆半径、高度和质量块外径作为优化设计变量,以橡胶动力吸振器固有频率为优化目标,建立优化设计数学模型,基于Isight集成平台对橡胶动力吸振器尺寸进行优化。结果表明,优化所得动力吸振器系统固有频率值与目标值吻合较好,误差为4.6%,并通过产品实验验证了优化方法的有效性。 In order to meet the inherent frequency performance requirements of dynamic vibration absorber system, the structural design of damping rubber dynamic vibration absorber with Isight integrated software platform was optimized. Taking the cylindrical rubber element as an example, the influence of the structural dimension of the rubber element on the natural frequency of the vibration system is studied by numerical simulation when the mass of the rubber dynamic vibration absorber is constant. The results show that the natural frequency of the dynamic vibration absorber system increases with the increase of the cylindrical rubber The size of the component structure changes. Taking the outer radius, height and outer diameter of the cylindrical rubber element as optimization design variables, the natural frequency of rubber dynamic vibration absorber is taken as the optimization objective, the mathematical model of optimal design is established, and the size of rubber dynamic vibration absorber is optimized based on Isight integrated platform . The results show that the natural frequency of the optimized dynamic vibration absorber system is in good agreement with the target value with an error of 4.6%. The effectiveness of the optimization method is verified by product experiments.
第一,肢体的某一部位发生像触电一样的放射痛,是神经根型颈椎病的典型表现。如果同时伴有头晕、恶心、视物旋转的症状,则往往伴有椎动脉型颈椎病。  第二,手指麻木,特别是两边手指都麻木,一定想到是不是得了颈椎病,而且两边手指麻木,可能是脊髓重要的结构受到了压迫。  第三,做10秒手指屈伸的实验,手握拳,然后完全伸开,计算10秒钟做20次以上才算是正常的。  第四,沿着直线走一走,两只脚在一条线上走,得了
<正> 1984年日本学者井上(Inoue)创用新型球囊导管成功地进行了经皮经静脉二尖瓣分离术(Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy)。1985年Lock等用一特制的类似于血