
来源 :苏州大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong485
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目的探讨外涂芦荟凝胶原汁在太湖猪Ⅱ°烫伤创面愈合过程中的作用。方法取太湖猪5头,利用自制烫伤仪在太湖猪背部两侧垂直于皮肤表面进行烫伤,烫伤时间分别为10、15 s,造成浅Ⅱ°、深Ⅱ°烫伤模型。把所制备的烫伤面分为实验组和对照组,实验组每天1次外涂芦荟,并用无菌纱布包扎,对照组直接用无菌纱布包扎。之后观察记录,并选取适当时机取切片进行病理检查,以确定其恢复状况。结果 25 d后所有浅Ⅱ°烫伤实验组创面的皮肤均恢复良好,且没有留下任何疤痕;对照组28 d后创面恢复,且没有留下疤痕。34 d后深Ⅱ°烫伤实验组创面痂皮大部分脱落。截止38 d,所有深Ⅱ°烫伤实验组痂片完全脱落,皮肤表面留下明显疤痕,此时对照组有3个烫伤创面的痂片未完全脱落。45 d后所有实验组的肤色恢复至接近正常,瘢痕变淡,但不会消失。对照组烫伤处的半透明皮屑脱落,白色瘢痕凹凸不平。结论芦荟可以起到良好的杀菌消毒作用,并能促进细胞的增殖和各种皮肤结构的修复,愈合时间较对照组短,修复效果较对照组好,遗留疤痕较对照组不明显。 Objective To investigate the role of aloe vera gel juice in the healing process of Taihu pig Ⅱ ° burns. Methods Five Taihu pigs were scalded and scalded for 10,15 s respectively on both sides of the back of Taihu pig by using a self - made scald instrument. The prepared scald surface was divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group was treated with aloe vera once a day, and wrapped with sterile gauze. The control group was directly wrapped with sterile gauze. After observation records, and select the appropriate time to take slices for pathological examination to determine the recovery status. Results After 25 days, the wounds of all superficial scald Ⅱ scald wounds recovered well without leaving any scar. In the control group, the wounds recovered after 28 days without any scarring. After 34 days deep Scald Ⅱ ° scald experimental group most of the fall off. As of the 38th day, all scab pieces in deep Ⅱ ° scald test group were completely detached, and obvious scarring was observed on the skin surface. At this time, the scab pieces of 3 scald wounds in the control group did not completely fall off. After 45 days, the skin color of all the experimental groups recovered to near normal, the scar faded, but it did not disappear. The control group scalded translucent dander off, white scars uneven. Conclusion Aloe vera can play a good role in sterilization and disinfection, and can promote cell proliferation and skin structure repair, healing time shorter than the control group, the repair effect is better than the control group, the left scar is not obvious than the control group.
一、地方政府所面临的债务风险及其成因 濮阳市地方政府所面临的债务风险有;(1)还款困难普遍存在,偿贷压力较大;(2)由于受市场景气。汇率风险、项目预算等影响,债务风险逐步加重。(3)不能
本文通过对抗癫痫药物(AEDs)血药浓度变化等的描述,回顾了几种常用 AEDs 间的相互作用。一般认为,卡马西平、鲁米那等具有促进其它 AEDs 代谢的作用,从而引起它们的血药浓度
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