Experimental Study on a Passively Q-Switched Ho:YLF Laser with Polycrystalline Cr~(2+):ZnS as a Satu

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luhu779
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Output performance of a continuous-wave Tm:YAP laser pumped passively Q-switched Ho:YLF laser is demonstrated with a polycrystalline Cr~(2+):ZnS as the saturable absorber.We compare the experimental results at the three different distances L of the polycrystalline Cr~(2+):ZnS saturable absorber to the output coupler.The pulse width almost remains constant for different L,when the incident pump power is changed in the range of 7.9-27.1 W.The shortest pulse duration of 33.3 ns for L = 105 mm and the highest average output power of 6.8 W for L = 5 mm are obtained at the incident pump power of 27.1 W.The output wavelength of the passively Q-switched laser shifts to 2045.2nm from 2064.7nm in the cw operation.The beam quality factor of M~2 is 1.2. Output performance of a continuous-wave Tm: YAP laser pumped passively Q-switched Ho: YLF laser is demonstrated with a polycrystalline Cr ~ (2 +): ZnS as the saturable absorber. We compare the experimental results at the three different distances L of the polycrystalline Cr ~ (2 +): ZnS saturable absorber to the output coupler. The pulse width almost remains constant for different L, when the incident pump power is changed in the range of 7.9-27.1 W. The shortest pulse duration of 33.3 ns for L = 105 mm and the highest average output power of 6.8 W for L = 5 mm are obtained at the incident pump power of 27.1 W. The output wavelength of the passively Q-switched laser shifts to 2045.2 nm from 2064.7 nm in the cw operation. The beam quality factor of M ~ 2 is 1.2.
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