The linguistic Motivations for the Production of Neologisms

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  摘要: Languages, as a part of culture, develop with the society. Vocabularies are the most active factors in all languages. The change of vocabulary includes the addition and deletion of vocabularies or the transformation of the meaning of the words. Social development includes the development of economy, politics, military, technology, culture, art and so on. All of these provide the conditions for the production of neologism. From the perspective of linguistics, the paper tries to explore the linguistic motivations for the production of neologism combining with concrete examples.
  關键词:neologisms   production   motivations   significance
  Neologisms are newly coined words that are given new meaning to fit new situations because of social, cultural, scientific and technical changes in human society.In a narrow sense neologisms refer to newly coined words. In a broad sense neologisms include the new meanings produced on the basis of the original meanings. The new words mentioned in the paper refer to newly coined words or words borrowed from other languages or the original words with new meanings and new usage.
  1. The causes for the production of newly coined words
  With the development of society and the appearance of new things and new conditions, some neologisms or new concepts that are used to refer to them come forth accordingly such as“粉丝”(fans);“穿越剧”(time-travel TV drama); “微博” (microblog); “海归” (overseas returnee) and so on。
  The changes of value and life style and the production of new ideas are also the causes for the production of new expressions such as single noble, Dink, hen-pecker, grey income (extra income) and so on.Nowadays with the rapid development of science and technology, a lot of newly coined words that are closely related to technology come into being, such as CT, ultrasound, clone, e-mail and so on.
  Network, as a modern technology, has been rapidly developed and greatly applied into people’s daily life and daily work, therefore, many new terms related to network spring up accordingly, such as internet bar, netizen, hacker, net surfing and so on.
  The neologisms whether they are produced from economic and social life or from the fields of science and technology are attributed to the social development which is the basic condition and great power for the production of neologisms, which is the inevitable result of social development. With the advance and development of society, it has been a law for the development of languages. These neologisms have been mostly and widely applied and been an integral part of national language.
摘要:神话是中国古代文明最灿烂辉煌的源头之一,很多神话故事、形象都作为原型对后世文学产生了深远的影响。“补天石”的意象产生于女娲补天神话,但在后世的不同时期中被赋予了新的不同的意义,主要表现为秦汉时期的“圣王”补天神物、唐宋时期的“弃石”形象和明清时期的“顽石形象”,不同时代“补天石”意义的不同有着更深层次的时代和文化原因,本文将主要就这一问题进行阐释。  关键词:补天石 补天神物 弃石 顽石  
摘要:本研究通过自编问卷,对西北民族大学的大学生关于同性恋的认知、态度和行为状况进行了实证调查。结果显示,大学生对同性恋的认知程度高,但仍有认识不全面的群体,不同性别的大学生对同性恋的态度有显著性差异(p<0.05)。影响因素中,社会文化影响为主,个体的观念发展决定了对同性恋群体的态度。由此,应让学校与社会共同展开宣传工作,培养个体客观理性的观念,形成良好的社会环境,减轻同性恋群体的压力。  关键
摘要:为进一步缓和社会矛盾,推动社会更加稳定和谐的发展,必须加强民主政府的建设,建设公共服务型政府变得更加迫切和非常重要。然而,不得不正视到,目前我们国家的公共服务型政府在建设过程中,还存在不少问题,比如政府机关的服务设施不完备、相关制度的不成熟等,这需要提交国家公务人员在建设工作中能够保持清醒的头脑,不断提出具体对策,促进公共服务型政府的建设和发展。  关键词:公共服务型;政府建设;现状;研究 
群芳之中,栽培历史最悠久,文化内涵最丰富的非“木槿”莫属。现作为韩国与马来西亚国花的木槿花,当下有着美丽的花语:温柔的堅持。富贵不过牡丹,隐逸不过菊花,圣洁不过莲花,木槿以何而为众人喜爱且号称文化内涵最丰富?我们不妨从《诗经》溯源,从木槿的生物特征以及它在中韩两国的文化内涵来一瞻其因。  一、木槿花的生物特征  “有女同车,颜如舜华。将翱将翔,佩玉琼琚。彼美孟姜,洵美且都。  有女同行,颜如舜英。
摘要:表情包作为图片和文字的结合体,很好地满足了当代人们的表达需求,在生活中处处可见。但是,表情包在一炮而红的同时,也带来了一系列的侵权问题。在现实生活中,由于表情包而引发的纠纷层出不穷,如何处理表情包中的侵权纠纷成为了目前亟待解决的问题。本文在分析与表情包有关的侵权问题的基础上,提出相关建议,以期促进规范网络生活的形成。  关键词:表情包;著作权;肖像权;名誉权  一、表情包概述  (一)表情包
摘要:作为与易卜生齐名的戏剧家,比昂逊的现代剧作对后世产生了重大影响,尤其是对中国的现代社会。他的代表作《新婚的一对》和《挑战的手套》中所表达男女婚姻平等的思想在当时社会是超前的。本文主要从比昂逊的两部代表作入手,通过分析剧中阿克尔与思伐法在面对不平等婚姻时候内心的挣扎与反抗,传达了比昂逊所倡导男女平等的婚姻观。  关键词:比昂逊 平等婚姻观 《新婚的一对》 《挑战的手套》  一、比昂逊戏剧中的婚