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一位“文学天才”——南京金陵中学高三女生费滢滢2003年的高考作文《人情与季节》竟然只得了25分,高考作文满分是60分,25分无疑不及格。去年,费滢滢参加首届全球华人少年写作征文大赛时,以一篇讲述扶助友爱的美文《平台》打动了所有的评委,最终从8万名参赛选手中脱颖而出,荣获金奖,与另一名选手分享10万元奖金,轰动一时。她平时的很多习作都是学校的范文,并曾出版过多本散文集。其获奖作品还被选入高中语文读本。应试“奇文”共赏之,本应放在“应试指津”栏目,放在“学林外章”,意在使《语文新圃》的读者对这个栏目的内蕴有所了解。你们想起了“虽云长篇,颇同短制”的《儒林外史》了吗?如果还不知道,赶快去看一下吧!看完了,请你们向原上海凇江中学语文挂红灯却写出了成名作《杯中窥人》的韩寒,长春某重点中学作文不及格却能以《不及格》名结集出版的谷阳,石家庄第27中学厌恶应试退学却写就了畅销书《本领恐慌》的王小平……致敬!当然也应该向能有以自己文章“启蒙”莘莘学子荣幸却无缘得到阅卷“名师”青睐的费滢滢深表同情。当然更应该思考如何使自己免蹈覆辙,如何去迎合“名师”的胃口抑或口味,尽管这很痛苦;然而,“吃了苦中苦,方做人上人”,呜呼! A “literary genius”—Fei Jing, a female high school student from Jinling Middle School in Nanjing, went so far in 2003 that “compassion and seasons” has only scored 25 points. The college entrance examination composition score is 60 points, and 25 points are undoubtedly fail. Last year, when Fei Fei attended the first edition of the Global Chinese Youth Writing Competition, he impressed all the judges with a “platform” on helping and supporting love, and finally stood out from the 80,000 contestants and won a gold medal with another player. Share 100,000 yuan bonus, a sensation. Many of her usual assignments are school model essays and have published too many essays. His award-winning works have also been selected into high school language textbooks. The “Qi Wen” examination of the total rewards should be placed on the “Examination Index refers to” section, on the “Learn Xue Lin Zhang”, intended to make the “Chinese New Poem” readers have an understanding of the intrinsic content of this column. Did you think of the “The History of Confucian Scholars” that is “Yes, it’s a long story, but it’s quite short”? If you still don’t know, go and see it! After reading it, ask you to write a red light to the original Shanghai Minjiang High School but write it out. Han Han, who became famous as “The Man in the Cup,” and Tong Yang, a key middle school student in Changchun, failed to pass the “Funk” name. Shijiazhuang No. 27 Middle School reluctantly dropped out of the exam but wrote the bestseller “The Panic of Panic”. Wang Xiaoping’s ... tribute! Of course, should also be able to have their own article “Enlightenment” with the honor of students, but did not get the rating of “famous teacher” favor Fei Fei deep sympathy. Of course, we should think more about how we can avoid the same mistakes we made and how we can cater to the appetites or tastes of the “famous teacher.” Although this is very painful, however, “If you suffer from bitterness and suffering, you must be a superior person.”
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