
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heephy
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领导干部必须先把自己交给群众,取得群众的理解和认可,才能引导和教育群众。学校领导干部,无论是校长、书记、教导主任,还是年级主任、团委书记,要领导和管理好一个部门乃至一所学校,就要把自己交给教职工。近两年,我校每学年度都要进行一次广泛的干部形象讨论,以加强干部与教职工的相互了解和沟通,为深入开展思想政治工作和加强学校管理提高教育教学质量创造良好的群众基础。 我们把自己交给教职工的具体做法是,从学校各级领导干部做起,干部登台演讲亮相,把自己参加工作和入党以来,特别近一年当中自己所担任的教学与领导工作任务完成情况,总结出来亮给群众,请群众评议。要求优点与缺点,成绩与问题,尽可能讲透、讲全面,做到客观、真实地把自己交给教职工。教职工对每一个干部可当面评议,并由工会及教职工代表将教职 Leading cadres must first hand themselves over to the masses and gain the understanding and approval of the masses in order to guide and educate the masses. Leading cadres, school principals, secretaries, teaching directors, grade directors and party committee secretaries, should direct themselves to the management of a department and even a school, and hand over themselves to staff and workers. In the past two years, each school year, our school should conduct an extensive discussion on the image of cadres in order to enhance mutual understanding and communication between cadres and faculty and staff, and create a good mass foundation for deepening ideological and political work and strengthening school administration and education and teaching quality . The specific practice of handing ourselves over to faculty and staff members is that starting from the leading cadres at all levels in schools, the cadres made their speeches on the stage and made their own teaching and leadership tasks during the past year in particular, since they took part in the work and joined the party. , Summed up to the masses, please comment. Requirements strengths and weaknesses, achievements and problems, as far as possible thoroughly speaking, comprehensive, objective and true to their own faculty. Faculty and staff can be a face-to-face commentary, by the trade unions and staff representatives will be teaching
曾经也是爹妈娇养的孩子 拿起了粉笔就得涂去孩子的 脾气 炯炯的目光满含青春的魅力 面对五十朵花她是星星雨 曾经也是校园长大的少女 挥动了教鞭就得站成先生的 样子 Once
更新人才观念的内涵 人才,这是个被人们常常挂在嘴上的名词,但要准确地阐述人才内涵时,却发现问题很多。按我国官方惯例,具有中专以上文化程度或初级以上专业技术职称的人员
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许多乱蹦乱跳的名字 被锁在日记本里 锁在日记本里 还与他捉迷藏 有时 还踢他一脚 Many junk names are locked in a diary locked in the diary with him hide and seek an