在静海县中旺镇中小学师生中,广泛深入地开展了“学雷锋、树新风、见行动”活动。目前,全镇十七所中小学,校校都有学雷锋服务小组和学雷锋服务点。师生活跃在全镇各个角落,到处都留下他们做好事的足迹。51名孤寡老人被少先队员照顾得无微不至,受到广大群众的称道。他们学习雷锋精神,传播雷锋精神,使雷锋精神大放异彩。镇党委和政府把学雷锋活动与各项政治思想教育紧密结合,以雷锋精神作为培养青少年良好道德风尚的精神支柱,常抓常新,使学雷锋活动搞得生机勃勃、扎扎实实,收到显著效果。具体做法是: 一、领导重视,健全制度姚庄子学校学雷锋活动卓有成效,在市、县、乡有一定声誉,引起镇党委和政府的高度重视。党
Teachers and students of middle and elementary schools in Zhongwang Town, Jinghai County carried out extensive and in-depth activities of “Learn from Lei Feng, develop new trends, and see actions”. At present, there are seventeen elementary and junior high schools in the town, and the school and school have all studied the Lei Feng service team and learn about Lei Feng service points. Teachers and students are active in all corners of the town, leaving them with good footsteps everywhere. The 51 widowed old people were taken care of by the Young Pioneers and they were praised by the masses. They learned the spirit of Lei Feng and spread the spirit of Lei Feng, making Lei Feng’s spirit shine. The town party committee and government closely integrated the learning of Lei Feng activities with various political and ideological education, and used the spirit of Lei Feng as the spiritual pillar to cultivate adolescents’ good moral habits. They often caught Chang Xin and made the Lei Feng activities vigorous and solid. Significant effect. The specific methods are as follows: 1. Leaders attach importance to the sound system. Yao Zhuangzi’s school studies Lei Feng activities are highly effective and has a certain reputation in cities, counties, and townships, which has caused the town party committee and the government to attach great importance to it. party