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团结报文史资料版大量刊登反映中国近代现代史上反帝反封建革命斗争的文史资料,颇受读者欢迎。绝大部分是追述历史的文史资料版,它的新闻性如何体现呢?副刊的新闻性,是由其文字中所包含的新闻因素和新闻价值来体现的,而这又同报纸的性质有关。团结报是中国国民党革命委员会中央的机关报。它要反映民主党派的声音,反映海内外炎黄子孙统一祖国的愿望,反映多党派与中共真诚合作的关系。团结报的性质决定了文史资料版的新闻性必须以体现这几个方面的内容为宗旨。因此,文史资料版的大多数稿件 The United Press History Edition has published a large number of historical and historical materials that reflect the revolutionary struggle against imperialism and anti-feudalism in modern Chinese history, and are well received by readers. The vast majority are the historical and literary materials that trace the history, and how does its newsness manifest? The newsability of the supplement is reflected in the news elements and news values ​​contained in its writing, which in turn is related to the nature of the newspaper. Unity is the organ of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang. It should reflect the voices of the democratic parties and reflect the desire of the pro-democracy and children at home and abroad to unify the motherland and reflect the sincere cooperation between the multi-party and the CPC. The nature of the Unity Report determines that the informational nature of the literary and historical materials must be based on the content of these aspects. Therefore, the majority of manuscript information version of the manuscript
目的从文献计量学的角度分析最近5年胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤在影像学领域的研究状况。方法下载Pub Med数据库中2010~2015年相关的文献题录,用Bicomb 2.0软件和SPSS 22.0统计软件
The massive diffusion of smartphones, the growing interest in wearable devices and the Inteet of Things, and the exponential rise of location based services (LB
The broad applicability of super-resolution microscopy has been widely demonstrated in various areas and disciplines. The optimization and improvement of algori
该研究以19个常规棉品种(系)与3 个不同来源的转基因抗虫棉配制杂交组合,将各组的F1(共34个)连同抗虫亲本及抗虫对照一起采用随机区组设计进行了田间试验,对各组合F1代13个性
A novel nonlinear model for surface permanent magnet synchronous motors (SPMSMs) is adopted to estimate the initial rotor position for hybrid electric vehicles
一九八六年四月二十四日,《河南日报》第一版发表一则消息,标题是: 军人未婚妻的模范王玉萍军功章有你一半王玉萍的模范事迹是颇感人的。她与在部队当兵的未婚夫任留勤于一