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4月24日至25日,中国水上消防协会东海分会常务理事扩大会议在上海东方饭店召开。上海港务局蔡美义、金文汉副局长;上海海运(集团)公司孙治堂总经理;交通部第三航务工程局徐维钧副局长;上海海监局王志—副局长;上海市消防局张永明副局长出席了会议。会议由东海分会理事长蔡美义副局长主持。会上分会副秘书长王子玉传达了中国水上消防协会“94年工作安排”。尹必金秘书长总结了东海分会前一阶段的工作与94年分会工作打算的报告。东海分会(前身为上海地区分会)成立7年以来,充分发挥科技人员的作用,完成咨询项目30余个,对20余艘中外船舶进行消防技术服务,参 From April 24 to April 25, the enlarged meeting of executive members of East China Sea Fire Services Association East Sea Branch was held in Shanghai Oriental Hotel. Deputy Director General of Shanghai Maritime Administration (Group) Company Sun Zhitang; Xu Weijun, Deputy Director General, Third Navigational Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Communications; Wang Zhi, Deputy Director General of Shanghai Maritime Safety Supervision Bureau; Zhang Yongming, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Fire Prevention Bureau attended the meeting . The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Cai Meiyi, Chairman of the East China Sea Branch. At the meeting, Wang Ziyu, deputy secretary-general of the branch, conveyed “94 Years of Work Arrangement” of China Water Fire Association. Secretary-General Yin Bi Jin summed up the report of the work of the previous stage of the Donghai Branch and the plan of 94-year branch work. Since its establishment 7 years ago, the branch of the East China Sea (formerly Shanghai Branch) has given full play to the role of science and technology personnel, completed more than 30 consulting projects, and conducted technical fire service on more than 20 Chinese and foreign ships.
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