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目的探讨正常胰腺及胰腺癌在MRI灌注成像中的灌注特征。方法正常组(非胰腺疾病患者)及胰腺癌组各20例行胰腺MRI灌注检查,PHILIPS 1.5T T1WI3DFFE序列扫描,4mm层厚/12层,采用高压注射器注射Magnevist20ml(0.5mmol/ml钆喷酸二葡甲胺),注射速率3.5ml/s,延迟5s,总扫描时间90s。所得数据传至View Forum工作站,使用Qualitity Analysis里的MR Brest Imaging软件包处理数据,分别测量灌注参数最大相对增强率、流入速率、流出速率、时间峰值、初始强度时间及曲线下面积的平均值,并进行统计学分析。结果正常胰腺组及胰腺癌组MRI灌注成像各参数数值包括最大相对增强分别为95.69%及50.74%,流入速率为19.511/s及4.471/s,流出速率为26.051/s及19.151/s,时间峰值为31.33s及106.84s,初始强度时间为20.53s及64.70s,曲线下面积为15924.56ml/(min·kg)及5542.85ml/(min·kg)。各项灌注参数的差异均有统计学意义,胰腺癌组的时间峰值、初始强度时间值较正常胰腺组高,最大相对增强、流入速率、流出速率、曲线下面积值则低于正常胰腺组。结论MRI灌注成像对胰腺癌的诊断具有重要价值。 Objective To investigate perfusion characteristics of normal pancreas and pancreatic carcinoma in MRI perfusion imaging. Methods Twenty patients with normal pancreatic cancer and 20 patients with pancreatic cancer underwent MRI perfusion examination and PHILIPS 1.5T T1WI3DFFE sequence scan with 4mm layer thickness and 12 layers respectively. Magnevist  20ml (0.5mmol / ml gadolinium spray Acid dimeglumine), injection rate 3.5ml / s, delay 5s, the total scan time 90s. The data was sent to View Forum workstations using the MR Brest Imaging software package in Qualitity Analysis to measure the maximum relative perfusion perfusion perfusion parameters, inflow rate, outflow rate, peak time, initial intensity time and area under the curve, And statistical analysis. Results The parameters of MRI perfusion imaging in normal pancreas group and pancreatic cancer group were 95.69% and 50.74% respectively, the inflow rates were 19.511 / s and 4.471 / s, the outflow rates were 26.051 / s and 19.151 / s, respectively. The initial intensity time was 20.53s and 64.70s. The area under the curve was 15924.56ml / (min · kg) and 5542.85ml / (min · kg), respectively. The difference of perfusion parameters was statistically significant. The peak value of pancreatic cancer group, initial intensity time value was higher than that of normal pancreas group, and the maximum was relatively enhanced. The inflow rate, outflow rate and area under the curve were lower than that of normal pancreas group. Conclusion MRI perfusion imaging is of great value in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
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