The boundary of palaearctic and oriental realms in western China

来源 :自然科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianxiaowei2030
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In the world-wide zoogeographic division, there has been no consentaneous understanding about the delimitation between palaearctic and oriental realms in western China. In this study, we will discuss the division based on amphibian distribution in Shaanxi, Gansu,Sichuan, Yunnan, and Tibet according to species coefficient similarity between each zoogeographic province. The results show that the northern border lies from Qinling Mountains-Feng Xian (Shaanxi)-Debu (Gansu)-Aba (Sichuan)-Batang-Bomi (Tibet), to Linzhi districts, and the southern border is from Taibai-Feng Xian in Shaanxi-Wen Xian (Gansu)-Songpan-Kangding-Daocheng (Sichuan),to Zhongdian-Gongshan in Yunnan, and westward to Motuo and Bomi district in Tibet.
研制了一种用于 WDM光通信系统的多层介质膜 Fabry- Perot腔结构式光开关 ,面积为 1.5 m m× 1.5 m m.光开关采用多层复合膜消除内应力 ,防止产生过度变形 ;中心的十字复合梁
目的 测定东北虎幼体血液中8种血清酶含量,为东北虎的生长发育、繁殖及疾病诊治等积累数据,并为虎类亚种间遗传和进化关系等的研究提供参考. 方法 用HITCH 7600-20型全自动生
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