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水电资源作为清洁的可再生能源,运行调度灵活,具有综合开发利用效益。我国幅员辽阔,河流众多,径流丰沛,地势起伏变化大,蕴藏着非常丰富的水能资源。但我国水电资源的开发程度尚不平衡。东部地区,水电资源开发利用率很高,除国际界河外,60%以上的水电资源已得到开发,优秀的水电工程点已经基本开发完毕。而西部地区的水电资源开发利用率较低,西部地区的河流落差大,河谷下切深,资源集中,淹没损失小,水电站的技术经济指标普遍优于东部,便于规模化的水电基地的开发建设。我国电力建设经过多年的发展,系统容量越来越大,调度自动化、变电站综合自动化等高科技手段应运而生,信息的快速、准确传输在电力系统生产、运行、检修中发挥着越来越重要的作用。水电站的自动化作为电力系统自动化的组成部分,经过几十年的快速发展已经日趋成熟,纵观当前我国水电站通信系统的设计及施工建设,一些现代化的先进技术与成功的经验可以借鉴。 Hydropower resources as a clean renewable energy, flexible operation scheduling, with comprehensive development and utilization benefits. China has a vast territory, numerous rivers, abundant runoff, great ups and downs in the terrain, and a very rich water resource. However, the development of hydropower resources in China is still not balanced. In the eastern region, hydropower resources have a high utilization rate. In addition to the international community, more than 60% of hydropower resources have been developed, and outstanding hydropower engineering points have been basically developed. However, the development and utilization of hydropower resources in the western region is relatively low. The western region has large drops in rivers, deep cuts in the valleys, concentrated resources and low losses in inundation. The technical and economic indicators of hydropower stations are generally better than those in the east, facilitating the development and construction of large-scale hydropower bases. After many years’ development in power construction in our country, system capacity is getting bigger and bigger. High-tech means such as dispatching automation and integrated substation automation emerge as the times require. The rapid and accurate transmission of information plays an increasingly important role in power system production, operation and maintenance Role. As an integral part of power system automation, hydropower station automation has matured after several decades of rapid development. Looking at the design and construction of hydropower station communication systems in China at present, some modern advanced technologies and successful experiences can be used for reference.
看软硬度新鲜的鱿鱼丝很柔软,不生硬,有点微湿。用手摸起来硬的那种是陈货,越硬越不新鲜。 See soft and firm fresh squid silk is very soft, not stiff, a little bit we
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夏季到来,各式各样的太阳镜纷纷上市。但在选择太阳镜时,不能只注重款式,而忽视其内在质量。也就是说,在选购太阳镜时务必注意以下几点: Summer, a wide variety of sunglas
夏季到了,纱窗的清洗成了我们的难题,纱窗上厚厚的灰尘刺激呼吸道,并且也很难清洁。 The summer has come and the cleaning of the screens has become a problem for us.
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【给爸爸妈妈的话】鼓励孩子大胆想象,将看似没有关系的两种东西“嫁接”在一起,产生新的事物(例如“玉米+电话=玉米电话”)。这也是很多创意大师拓展想象力的方法哟! 【Wor