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   Jane Goodall (Britain, 1934-)珍·古道尔(英国,1934—)
  Occupation[职业]: Primatologist[灵长类动物学家] and Anthropologist[人类学家]
  After reading the children’s book, The Story of Doctor Dolittle, a story about a doctor who travels to Africa and learns to talk to animals, seven-year-old Jane Goodall decided that she must go to Africa someday. She began reading every book about animals and Africa she could find.
  Years later, a friend told her about a man named Louis Leakey注1, who was busy searching for evidence of early man in Kenya. Jane arranged an interview with Leakey. Impressed by her knowledge of animals, he hired Goodall.
  Goodall has spent over 40 years studying the chimpanzees[黑猩猩]. Her goals have always been to understand and preserve chimpanzees. Her work has been important in emphasizing[强调] the need for conservation[保护] to millions of people.
  注1:路易斯·利基(1903- 1972),英国考古学家和人类学家,其研究对人类演化理论有重大影响。
   Valentina Tereshkova (Soviet Union,1937-)瓦莲京娜·捷列什科娃(前苏联,1937—)Occupation: Cosmonaut[宇航员]
  Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space. Tereshkova got her start when she joined the Yaroslavl Air Sports Club and became a skilled parachutist[跳伞人]. Inspired by the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, she volunteered for the Soviet space program. Although she had no experience as a pilot, her 38-meter jump record gained her a position as a cosmonaut in 1961. In 1963, she orbited[绕轨道而行] the Earth for almost three days, proving that women had the same resistance[抵抗力] in space as men. After her historic orbit, she toured the world promoting[促进] Soviet science and feminism[女权主义] and continued as an aerospace[航空宇宙] engineer in the space program. She has both an asteroid[小行星] and a crater[火山口] on the moon named in her honor.

  瓦莲京娜·捷列什科娃是第一个进入太空的女性。早年她加入了雅罗斯拉夫尔航空运动俱乐部,成为一名熟练的跳伞者,由此开始了她的宇航员生涯。“太空第一人”尤里·加加林的飞行令她备受鼓舞,于是她自愿参加了前苏联的太空计划。虽然没有飞行员经验,但她的38米跳伞记录仍在1961年为她赢得了宇航员的席位。1963年,她环绕地球飞行了近三天,证明了女性在太空和男性有同等的耐受性。在完成历史性的绕地球飞行之后,她到世界各地宣传前苏联科学和女权主义,并以航天工程师的身份继续参与太空计划。为了纪念她,人们以她的名字分别为一颗小行星和月球上的一个火山口命名。    Sally Ride (USA, 1951-2012)萨利·莱德(美国,2051—2012)
  Occupation: ]Astronaut[太空人] andPhysicist[物理学家]
  Sally Ride is best known as the first American woman sent into outer space. At 31, she was also the youngest person sent into orbit. After NASA, Ride has been vocal[畅所欲言的] about encouraging women to enter math and science. She considers this her “personal crusade[圣战,改革运动].”
   Marie Curie (Poland & France, 1867-1934)
  Occupation: Physicist[物理学家]
  Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. She was also the first scientist to win the Nobel Prize twice. With her husband Pierre Curie, Marie Curie developed and introduced the concept[概念] of radioactivity[放射现象] to the world. Her scientific efforts also included the application[应用] of x-rays and radioactivity to medical treatments. During World War I, Curie brought her technology to the war front. Radiological equipment was installed[安装] in ambulances, which meant that wounded soldiers would not have to be transported far to be x-rayed.

   Stephanie Louise Kwolek (USA, 1923-)
  Occupation: Chemist[化学家]
  Kwolek’s work resulted in Kevlar注2, the ultra-strong material best known for its use in bulletproof[防弹的] vests[背心]. After graduating with a degree in chemistry in 1946, she became a researcher for DuPont and remained there for her entire professional career. Over the course of her 40-year career, she obtained[获得] 16 patents[专利权] for a variety of groundbreaking[开创性的] materials.
  Kwolek is retired but continues to give motivational[激发性的] talks. She regularly receives letters from students interested in her work and tries to personally answer all of them.
   Florence Nightingale (Britain, 1820-1910)
  Occupation: Nurse and Public Health Advocate[提倡者]
  Florence Nightingale is generally regarded as having founded the modern profession of nursing. She was born to very wealthy parents who forbade[不许] her from becoming a nurse after she shared her desire with them. Within a few years, she ignored[不理睬] their protests[抗议] and enrolled[成为成员] in the Institution[协会] of Deaconesses[女执事] in Germany.   Nightingale led a group of nurses to Crimea, an area where thousands of wounded British soldiers were dying due to poor medical conditions in makeshift[临时代用的] hospitals. Nightingale worked tirelessly caring for the soldiers. At night she carried a lamp through the corridors[走廊], stopping to help the suffering. For this, she was nicknamed “the lady of the lamp.”
  Shortly after her arrival, she became severely ill. She returned to England in 1856, and remained bedridden[卧床不起的] for the rest of her life. Despite her illness, Nightingale continued to write about medical practices for the military[军方], prompting[促使] the establishment[确立] of the Royal Commission[委员会] on the Health of the Army.
   Patricia Bath (USA, 1942-)
  Occupation: Ophthalmologist[眼科专家]
  Patricia Bath was the first African American woman to receive a patent for a medical invention. She developed a laser device[设备] to remove cataracts[白内障]. Bath began her scientific career in cancer research as a teenager and then pursued ophthalmology[眼科学] in medical school. She developed a new field called community ophthalmology that was dedicated to providing quality eye care to underserved[服务水平低下的] populations. In addition to her academic career, Bath also founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness and serves as the organization’s president.

【摘 要】作为一线语文教师,我们则一直致力于寻找一条能将素质教育和应试教育较好地结合的道路,在帮助学生提初其考试分数的同时,最大限度地激发其学习语文的兴趣,奠定其文学素养的根基。应该说,我们还没有找到最佳的道路,只是在摸索中积累了一些做法,介绍出来,以期抛砖引玉。  【关键词】初中 语文 课堂教学 教学方式 自主学习 参与意识  【中图分类号】G633.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-
【摘要】英语是世界上通用性最强的语言,在跨文化交流中,起着非常重要的作用。当前,我國各级学校都已开设了英语课程,而培养学生英语知识实际应用能力则是素质教育的根本要求。因此,在高中英语教学实践中,“听”是英语“听、说、读、写”中最基本的环节,教师必须要加强对学生英语听力能力的培养,以帮助学生更好地学习英语,提高运用英语进行跨文化交际的能力。  【关键词】高中英语 听力教学 综合能力  【中图分类号】
【摘要】语法是初中英语教学的重要内容,是学生学好英语的基础,也是初中英语教学的难点。因此,如何提高初中英语语法教学效率成为了现阶段初中英语教师要考虑的关键问题。本文主要对目前初中英语语法教学的现状及存在的问题,并就如何提高初中英语语法教学有效性提出了几点实践对策。  【关键词】初中英语 英语语法教学 实践  【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)
【摘要】校园安全是学校顺利开展各项工作的基本保障,如何更有效地加强校园安全管理,着力构建和谐、平安校园,并为促进整个社会实现和谐奠定重要的基础。  【关键词】农村寄宿制学校 校园安全问题研究  【中图分类号】G637 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)21-0199-01  一、农村寄宿制学校校园安全管理现状  1.校园安全管理制度体系不健全。一套行之有效、科学合理的安全
【摘 要】 重华宫茶宴作为清代宫廷特色节庆活动之一,彰显着大清朝廷深厚的文化底蕴,饮茶赋诗是茶宴主要的文娱活动。重华宫作为茶宴举行的主要场所,在清朝宫廷社会生活中发挥着重要的作用,不断得到后世的继承与发展,进一步突出“礼”在中国封建社会中所占据的重要地位。  【关键词】 重华宫;茶宴;联句;传承  【中图分类号】 G64.21【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2095-3089(2016)25-00